50 Photos Of Animals That Are Sure To Cheer You Up If You Are Having A Bad Day
Gushing and giggling over cute, silly, and sweet animals from all walks of life works every time when you need a "pick-me-up."

It doesn't matter if you are the toughest-looking person in the room—there is always a guarantee that you will cave in and melt when seeing cute animals that look like they deserve the world (they all do). Bad days may come and go, but the sheer happiness of seeing animals that seem to be living their best lives will always stay!
The value of having a pet goes way beyond reasons such as companionship, exercise, unconditional love, etc. because for many people pets are a source of help for their mental health. Pets are very effective in reducing the stress and anxiousness levels of people, and they most definitely are the best things one could have for the sake of their mental health!
People who live with pets are, on average, healthier than those who don't. Living with a pet, it seems, is just about the best thing for your health of all the things you can do.
But if you don't have one (yet), you can always count on seeing other people's animal companions turn a bad day around. That being said, you can always count on scrolling through cute animal pictures as a substitute for therapy.
So sit back, scroll through the photos pet owners posted online, and let the overflowing cuteness turn the tables around!
1. "He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off"

2. "My Dad Was Dealing With A Lot Of Stress, So We Decided To Get Him A Dog To See If It Would Help. Judging By The Cuddle Puddle, Mission Accomplished"

3. Someone Has A Little Crush!

4. "My Dad Was Worried My Deafblind Dog Wouldn’t Recognize Him After A Year Of Quarantine But I Think She Did"

5. We Are All So Happy For This Doggo!

6. "I'm Recovering From Anorexia But My Cat Stopped Eating... Finally Worked Out That She Will Only Eat When I Do. A Very Good Reason To Keep Eating"

7. "This Duck Used To Come To My Porch For Food. Recently, She Brought Her Babies. I've Been Watching Them Grow Up"

8. "She Saw The Kids Playing On It And Now She Meows Until You Rock Her"

9. "Snapped This Pic Of This Huge Pitbull And His Pooh Bear While I Was Out Running Errands This Morning."

10. "My Son Always Texts To Say He's On His Way Home. I Open The Door, Letting His 17-Year-Old Cat, And 16-Year-Old Dog Know That He's On His Way. This Is Them Waiting For Him"

11. "Turbo's Smile Always Makes Me Smile. This Was His Prosthetic Fitting Day"

12. "I Rescued A Stray Cat In My Neighborhood. At Night His Brother Would Come To Visit Him. I Really Had No Other Options"

13. Shiloh Has Reached Her Target Weight After Two Years Of Exercising

14. "My Boy Just Had A Successful Surgery And Is Now Cancer Free"

15. "Our Cat Had Kittens 2 Days After We Had A Baby. This Kitten Climbs Into The Lounger With Her Whenever He Has The Chance. I Think These Two Were Destined To Be Best Buds"

16. "From Elementary School Drama To Motherhood, My Sam Was Always By My Side For 21 Years"

17. "10 Days Ago, Somebody Poisoned My 11-Year-Old Fluffball Leon In My Own Garden"

18. Cancer Free Boy!

19. A Sweet Cuddle

20. "My Local Wildlife Shelter Had One Of Their Soft Release Raccoons Manage To Sneak Over The Fence And Into The Deer Pen. Adorableness Ensued"

21. "My Dad Passed Away 2 Days Ago And Was Inseparable From His Cat. He Refuses To Leave This Spot Where He Can See The Driveway. He's Waiting For My Dad To Get Home"

22. Cute Little Rat

23. "This Mare Lost Her Foal And Then, Two Days Later, This Foal Lost Its Mother. Here They Are An Hour After Meeting"

24. "You Saved My Life. I Knew I Was Going To Die At That Shelter, But You Saved Me Today"

25. "I Haven’t Seen My Dog In A Few Days, This Was His Reaction For 5 Minutes Straight"

26. Man In Colorado Reunited With His Donkey After A Fire Broke In Their Town

27. Kindness Really Goes A Long Way

28. "Jellybean Does Not Like The Cone Of Shame. He Tolerates The Flower Of Protection"

29. Cozy Snake

30. "I Got My Pup A Matching Chair So He Would Stop Stealing Mine. Needless To Say, He’s Very Pleased"

31. "We Fed Our Backyard Squirrel Once. Meet Frankie At Our Backyard Door Waiting For More Nuts"

32. Comfort Dog Assistant In A Vet

33. What A Dear!

34. Stray Dog "Saves" An Actor Who Was Pretending To Be Hurt In A Street Performance

35. Little Squirrels Napping Just Outside Someone's Window

36. 'Too Friendly' For A Police Training

37. "Somewhere In Heaven There's A Black And White Dog Taking Care Of Seven Golden Lab Puppies"

38. Dog Becomes Foster Mama

39. "My Foster Dog Had Never Been Indoors Before. This Is Her First Nap, On A Bed, In A Home"

40. "Random Girl At Farmer’s Market Seduces My Partner In Front Of My Very Eyes"

41. "14-Years-Old, On Multiple Meds, Needs Help Down The Stairs… But When It Snows He Acts Like A Pupper Again"

42. "This Tiny Fox Has Been Visiting Our Garden Every Day And Wants To Be Friends"

43. This Smiling Goat Followed A Friend From Work

44. Litol Kitten

45. "Boss Said We Could Have Office Pupper Fridays"

46. He Loves The Donut Pillow

47. Cat Adopts An Abandoned Possum

48. "An Autistic Boy, Who Can't Be Touched, Connects With A Service Dog, As His Mom Bursts Into Tears Of Hope And Joy"

49. Caring Dog

50. "The Hospital Let My Dog Stay With Me After A Brain Surgery"

If scrolling through all these photos didn't make you smile, then you either need help or you're lying! Animals really have the power to bring us back into our good mood, even just for a while, and it always helps to see all these photos on the Internet to get us back on track.
Comment down your thoughts, or share these photos for all your family and friends to see!
