Cats Dressed in Halloween Costumes Are More Entertaining Than Trick-Or-Treaters

Them: How many cats in costumes do you want? Me: Yes.

  • Published in Animals
Cats Dressed in Halloween Costumes Are More Entertaining Than Trick-Or-Treaters

Decorating your house and yard in halloween decorations can be super tiring but also super fun. But what's even better than having young children dressed up as who knows what, knocking on your door and taking all of your candy? Cats of course! Cats dressed up in an array of costumes from pirates to princesses.

Sure, the owner of these cats (or the cat owners of these humans to be frank) may have gotten mauled on their arms and faces while dressing them, but the end result is sooo worth it!

Bat cat, bat cat, does what ever a bat cat does.


A bowl of milk, please

A bowl of milk, pleaseraychelelaina

So fetch

So fetchsaraaaahjkl

That glare. It's terrifying

That glare. It's terrifyingDillonautt

Get that thing off me right meow

Get that thing off me right meowjoshmonk9

Oh my word


Werk it, gurl, werk!




This one's my favorite


Them teefs


Going to PURRison


Pirates of the Catibbean


Oh dear


You can't win them all over, right?


I'm not sure that she likes this one very much

The workmanship of the pumpkin is what really impresses me with this one
