Homeowner Hindered In Evicting Squatters After Finding Locks Changed Upon His Return

"Moral of the story is to treat each other with respect, especially in the workplace"
In every group, there is always that one dude who's the oddball. The same is true at work, only that more often than not, it's the grumpy employee who stands out, though both are possible.
But this time, the grump is the one making a scene, as illustrated by the story of malicious compliance provided by one Redditor, who explained how got his coworker who was the "company grump" fired because he merely followed instructions. To be fair, that is the riskiest form of activity.
The OP runs a modest company that looks after properties for senior citizens. His entire summer workforce is laid off for the winter because it's somewhat of a seasonal job, but he still works as a contractor performing similar property maintenance work.
Considering that he possesses the necessary tools, credentials, and other assets, numerous businesses frequently hire him for solo work. Thus, he was requested to assist in moving some snow to the city dump by the largest enterprise in the area which is a profitable proposition.
This required him to collaborate closely with members of the organization. And dealing with what the OP referred to as "the company grump" invariably followed. If you're unaware, it's just the individual who is a full-time grump who frequently complains, yells, or is just tough to get along with, or anything falling between those two.
More Info: Reddit
Regarding the incident, the OP was requested to asked by the grump to grab him some coffee when they were working together over the weekend. After taking a sip, the grump realized something was off and decided to use violence.
Read the entire story below.
You'll agree with me that it's actually a good thing that OP appeared to have patience and made the decision to let it go, but the grump just couldn't. He approached OP just to express his dissatisfaction with the coffee in his truck despite being given a replacement.
Anyways, the Mr. Grumpalopogus was fired, and the online community couldn't have been happier with this vindictively compliant justice. Here are what they had to say:
Many commended the OP for maintaining his composure because this kind of incident might have easily resulted in numerous dental procedures. But it was quite evident that Grumps was not just toxic, but also needed to leave the organization.
The article received a stunning 11.7K upvotes, several Reddit awards, and more than 500 comments in the end.