Parent Faces Uncomfortable Situation As Brother's Ex Adds Them And Their Children To Group Chat With Strangers

"He flipped out, told me it's none of my business."

Parent Faces Uncomfortable Situation As Brother's Ex Adds Them And Their Children To Group Chat With Strangers

Family life can be tricky, especially when it comes to brothers and sisters and all the people connected to them. Here's a story from Reddit about exactly that kind of tricky situation.

The person telling the story gets along well with their brother's ex and their kids are also on good terms with him. But things got awkward when their brother's ex suddenly added them into a group chat with his friends, people they didn't even know.

The kids were added too, which worried the OP, who wrote the story. They texted their brother's ex saying it wasn't cool to share their kids' numbers with strangers and asked him to talk to them first next time.

But instead of understanding, he got mad and said it was none of their business. This story really brings up some tough questions about family and privacy.

How much should you get involved in what your family members do, especially when it involves your kids? Was OP right to be upset about their kids' numbers being shared?

This leaves us wondering, what's the best way to deal with family stuff like this without starting a big argument? Have you ever been in a similar spot with your family? What did you do?

OP has a good relationship with her brother's ex, but he added OP to a group chat with his friends, whom neither OP nor her kids know.

OP has a good relationship with her brother's ex, but he added OP to a group chat with his friends, whom neither OP nor her kids know.

OP warned him not to share her children's phone numbers with strangers in the future, and he got angry.

OP warned him not to share her children's phone numbers with strangers in the future, and he got angry.

If OP's children are under 18, it's both OP's responsibility and concern.

If OP's children are under 18, it's both OP's responsibility and concern.Reddit

It's not okay for them to make decisions without being involved OP.

It's not okay for them to make decisions without being involved OP.Reddit

Protecting kids is important because there are potential risks everywhere.

Protecting kids is important because there are potential risks everywhere.Reddit

It's impolite to include others in group chats without their consent.

It's impolite to include others in group chats without their consent.Reddit

Safety concern.

Safety concern.Reddit

Making significant decisions involving children without both parents' knowledge or consent is concerning.

Making significant decisions involving children without both parents' knowledge or consent is concerning.Reddit

It's creepy that he's doing that.

It's creepy that he's doing that.Reddit

OP should block his number on their phones.

OP should block his number on their phones.Reddit

It's a big concern, and OP should contact the police.

It's a big concern, and OP should contact the police.Reddit

He poses a serious threat to OP's children due to his disregard for their safety.

He poses a serious threat to OP's children due to his disregard for their safety.Reddit

To put it simply, if the kids in this story are younger than 18, it's the responsibility of their parents, to make decisions and look out for their safety. It's not okay for someone to make decisions that affect the kids without talking to OP about it first.

In this case, the brother's ex added OP and the kids to a group chat with people they don't know. This is not only rude but also unsafe because you never know who those strangers are. It's like inviting people into your house without asking.

The fact that the brother's ex did this without thinking about the kids' safety is really strange and not okay. To protect the kids, OP should block the ex's number on their phones and maybe even consider talking to the police if things get worse.

This is a serious matter because the ex's actions could harm the kids.
