Great Danes Dogs Have No Idea How BIG They Actually Really Are
Thanks to their many qualities, a lot of people think that Great Danes are a perfect match for families.
Published in Animals
February 5, 2021
Big dogs might seem intimidating at first due to their huge size, but once you start interacting with large dogs, your mind immediately changes and you gain a friend for life. Great Dane dogs are some of the most majestic dogs out there. These large and in charge dogs are truly a sight to behold.
Great Dane dogs have many pawsitive qualities including being friendly, charming, and of course, social. That's exactly what makes these dogs the perfect match for families. A full-grown Great Dane dog can weigh a whopping 79 kilograms (175 pounds) and be up to 81 centimeters (32 inches) tall.
Scroll down and check out just how amazing these Great Dane dogs are, they just don't realize how huge Great Dane dogs really are.
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14. "My Daughter Was Home Sick One Day. When I Peeked Into Her Room, This Is What I Found" Mongo1021
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22. "When You Are Big Snoops That Can't Mind Their Own Business" big_dog_does_big_things
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25. "Jones Has A Desire To Be A Window Washer When He Grows Up" Amy Demrovsky
26. "Sharing Is Caring" lifesaver14
27. "Nap Time Little Human. Quit Wiggling" larrygreatdane
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33. "7 Weeks And 17 Weeks" lost_among_the_stars
34. "Luna When Our Son Started Getting Scolded" mommabeats
35. "Let's Just Pretend They're The Same Size" Linda Mater
36. "Anyone, No?" chaosphile
37. Looking Out The Front Door. "I Made A New Friend, Please Can I Keep Him?" zatt
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41. "This Puppy" Muntsville
42. "The Photo My Sister Just Sent Me Of Her Great Dane And The New Puppy They Just Got. Look At It" beth_phelan
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48. "Rut-Row-Raggy" camman1776
49. "Once A Lap Dog, Always A Lap Dog" groot.the.great.dane
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