Wholesome Grandma Spends Hours Knitting Blankets and Sweaters For Shelter Dogs
While these doggos wait for their forever home, this grandma takes to knitting so they can be as comfortable as possible in the shelter

Puppies and dogs stuck in shelters are always doing it tough and that's not helped by the winter cold. That's where 89 year-old Maisie Green stepped up and decided she needed to help. She began to knit jumpers for the cold pooches. Maisie has knitted over 450 different blankets and sweaters, and she shows no signs of slowing down.
The pooches are often snapped wearing their home styled sweater, and this has helped them find their new forever homes. This winter keep an eye out for any doggo in style, if it’s knitted with a distinct homemade quality it could be one of Maisie’s exclusives.
Maisie poses with some of her knitted sweaters

Sometimes the sweaters double as blankets

Why stop at one?

When you're too small for a sweater.

Dressed up like a surprise candy apple

A face anyone could love.

A warmed up pooch and new puppy parent.

Rosco guards the new sweaters.

People responded with love for the sweaters and blankies for all of the doggos

Rob Williams