The Internet Cannot Decide Whether A Giraffe Would Wear A Tie At The Top Or Bottom Of Its Neck And The Arguments Are Hilarious

This is the funniest debate you will see today

  • Published in Funny
The Internet Cannot Decide Whether A Giraffe Would Wear A Tie At The Top Or Bottom Of Its Neck And The Arguments Are Hilarious

Hello and welcome to the most important debate you will encounter today. Yes, even in the midst of all the global problems and uncertainty, this will occupy more of your brain (probably, anyway).

I will advise that if you have an important decision to make today, you make that one first and then return to this post. Reading this post first could mean that you struggle with the actual real questions you will have to answer today, so read on with caution.

This comedian, who Tweets under the user @jeremythunder, has asked one of the most important questions of our era: how do giraffes wear ties?

Here is the question, helpfully illustrated.


A very strong opinion here


An excellent point: it would depend on the shirt


Which raises excellent questions about giraffe shirts


You cannot apply human tie logic to giraffes


But someone could tie it for them?

Like those beautiful father-son bonding scenes in movies.


But more likely to be spilt on


True! It could depend on the quirkiness of a giraffe


This makes a fair point


Going to work vs coming home


Laid back dudeeee


This is very measured


Happy hour!


What do you think? Make your arguments in the comments below!
