Explore 50 Fascinating Photos From This Online Gardening Community

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Explore 50 Fascinating Photos From This Online Gardening Community

The history of gardening and farming dates back thousands of years ago. Archaeological evidence suggests that humans began cultivating plants around 12,000 years ago during the Neolithic period, which marks the beginning of agriculture.

During this time, humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming and settled communities.The first plants that were cultivated were grains such as wheat and barley, as well as legumes like lentils and chickpeas.

Over time, humans learned how to domesticate other plants, such as fruits and vegetables, to meet their nutritional needs. Fast forward to today, gardening has become a popular hobby for many people around the world.

It allows individuals to connect with nature and grow their own food while also beautifying their surroundings. Whether you have a large backyard or just a few pots on a balcony, anyone can get involved in gardening with a little bit of effort and research.

If you're just starting out, there are a few things to keep in mind. Charles Dowding, a gardening expert and home farmer, suggests starting with easy-to-grow plants like tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.

He also advises new gardeners to start small and not to take on too much at once. In the 'Gardening' online group, horticultural enthusiasts from all over the world come together to share their experiences and knowledge.

From growing succulents to cultivating a thriving vegetable garden, there is a wealth of information available for anyone interested in gardening.

Gardening is so rewarding

Gardening is so rewardingFreepik

1. "Just My Lemon Tree And A Dangly Hazel Cat"

1. pocketmole

2. "My First Lime Harvest. No Banana For Scale"

2. chicagoaussie

3. "My Rainbow Carrot Harvest, From My Tiny Backyard Garden"

3. Shadowbreakz

4. "A View Of My Garden From Upstairs"

4. biborno

5. "My Mom Makes Cake Gardens"

5. ohheysarahjay

6. "Grew This Beautiful Giant From A Seed. Absolutely Thrilled. This Is By Far My Pride And Joy"

6. mr12ft

7. "This Building In Italy Could Be This Sub Church"

7. thereinfuse637

8. "My DIY Potting Shed Made Mostly From Free Doors"

8. ohhomelygirl

9. "The Head Just Fits Perfectly"

9. falselyknock77

10. "Behold My Bountiful Harvest!"

10. 0dd426

11. "I Know This Sub Would Appreciate This Beauty!"

11. Tradex88

12. "Little Friend Taking Cover In Clematis"

12. Interesting-Ticket18

13. "A Pepper Of Peppers"

13. cmdietz

14. "My 99cent Grape Vine From Lowes Just Gave Us 55lbs Of Grapes"

14. MrShiba_inu

15. "Be Careful Out There!"

15. honky_vizsla

16. "Ain’t Stupid If It Works"

16. Malakaumd

17. "I’m In Love With This Hoya Flower"

17. buttersaus

18. "I Was Wondering Why My Kale Was Missing Leaves At The Base"

18. tomarrow

19. "My Wife Let Me Keep The Seed Starting Area In The Living Room, But Only On The Condition That She Can Turn The Grow Light Into A Cloud. I Think It Turned Out Pretty Sweet"

19. BettawithBretta

20. "Look At The Garden Cart My Husband Designed/Built For Me For Christmas!"

20. horselifter

21. "Left Carrots In The Ground, Zone 6b. Just Pulled This One For Dinner!"

21. Weevil_Dead

22. "I Can't Get Cyclamen To Grow In My Yard. This One Thrives In The Concrete Behind The Dumpsters At Work"

22. knit-gnat

23. "How?"

23. miniadoption

24. "This Is A Children's Faerie Garden I Planted A Few Years Ago. It Lives On A 5 Foot Boulder, Has A Variety Of Evergreen And Deciduous Trees And Ground Covers, Mosses And Succulents. It's A Miniature Living Ecosystem That Goes Dormant In Winter And Is Home To Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Beetles And Fae"

24. Po3ticTreachery

25. "My Patio Garden After Washing The Deck"

25. biborno

26. "My Oaxacan Green Corn Looks Almost Iridescent"

26. tetrispig

27. "Giant Sempervivum. Biggest I Ever Grew, With All Its Chicks Flowering At The Same Time"

27. Downtown_Ad6875

28. "Possibly My Last Bouquet Before The Frost"

28. mazekeen19

29. "Harvested My Sons Pumpkin, From The Plant He Brought Home In A Paper Cup From Pre-K; It Was The Only Pumpkin On The Plant But It Was Huge (Sunset Pic Strictly For Up Votes Lol)"

29. skijeeper

30. "A Friend Shared This With Me, Any Tips And Tricks You Have That Worked?"

30. dknogo

31. "Making Garden Markers With My Daughter"

31. FungirlieGrower

32. "From My First Garden Without My Parents Help. Btw I'm 14"

32. Cyborg37

33. "My 91yo Grandmother’s Tomato Harvest This Year"

33. ConcentrateFun4726

34. "My Azalea Has Blossomed. This Is My First Ever Plant"

34. shiscar

35. "Sweet Potato Harvest"

35. ProlificFamilyStead

36. "The Swirl On One Of My Opening Calla Lilies"

36. ksom44

37. "Watermelon Harvest ‘22"

37. Butter_Bug

38. "My Neighbors 4.1lb Giant Bull Heart Tomato He Grew! He Was Very Proud And Wanted To Share With Everyone"

38. C_G15

39. "My Younger Sibling (13) Made A Rainbow Garden. They Are Very Proud Of It And Wanted Me To Post It"

39. Lost-Ad-7412

40. "Neglected Hydrangea Bush Growing Under A Walnut Tree, Tasmania, Australia"

40. 5ittingduck

41. "Should Have Let My Dogs Handle The Fall Planting!"

41. ClapBackBetty

42. "Guess My Trowel Is Out Of Commission For A Couple Weeks"

42. doubleplusfabulous

43. "This Is How I'm Doing It In A Semi Desert Region"

43. pro-tyga

44. "I Can Completely Confirm That Potatoes Are Alien"

44. AnActualPlatypus

45. "I Grew Saffron! In Michigan!"

45. ElizabethDangit

46. "Pulled A Test Ear On The Glass Gem Corn! Zone 5b"

46. dinosaurparty14

47. "My Wife's Haul From Her Garden This Morning"

47. partybenson

48. "She Has Awoken"

48. pluff-mudd

49. "This Year's Apple Harvest! It's A Small Tree, But She Does Her Best!"

49. magog667

50." My Son's Memorial Garden. Gardening Helps Me So Much Mentally To Get Through Some Really Rough Moments. October Is Both My Son's Birth Month And Death. This October He Will Be Gone 2 Years. He Would Be 19 This Year. How Does Gardening Help You?"


So, if you've never considered gardening before or think that it's only for those with a green thumb, think again. With some patience, research, and a willingness to learn, anyone can create a beautiful and productive garden.

So join the 'Gardening' online group, upvote your favorite posts, and share your own gardening successes and challenges with like-minded individuals.
