Raccoon Memes You Didn't Know You Needed In Your Life

Trash Pandas are always doing their own thing and it's earned them mountains of fans.

  • Published in Animals
Raccoon Memes You Didn't Know You Needed In Your Life

Raccoons get a bad rep but they still are important members of our society. They are absolutely obsessed with trash and will spend most of their lives digging through it.

Their actions make them hard to love but they still have their fans. Trash pandas are loved by many people who enjoy their mischievous nature and strict resistance to domestication.

Raccoons have made brief yet impactful appearances in pop culture; Pocahontas's bestie Meeko is the perfect representation of a loving, loyal raccoon. There is even a genetically enhanced raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy called Rocket Raccoon.

Besides movies and TV shows, raccoons can be found in a lot of memes that are getting quite popular nowadays. For the most part, these memes are used to express deep feelings in a funny way, and the raccoon facial expressions are perfect for that.

Other than that, we can relate to raccoons in a lot of ways, and these memes highlight those similarities. If you are not familiar with the world of raccoon memes, you are in for a treat! Scroll down, and check out some relatable and hilarious raccoon memes that might potentially make your day a whole lot better.

1. Why waste your time on anything non-trash-related.

1. Why waste your time on anything non-trash-related.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

2. Switching to raccoon mode rarely works, but it's at least worth trying.

2. Switching to raccoon mode rarely works, but it's at least worth trying.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

3. Whatever was said in the past is now in the past and not worth revisiting.

3. Whatever was said in the past is now in the past and not worth revisiting.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

4. Dig through some trash together. Peek romance!

4. Dig through some trash together. Peek romance!Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

5. Get closer and find out.

5. Get closer and find out.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

6. Who doesn't love a raccoon selfie?

6. Who doesn't love a raccoon selfie?Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

7. He will definitely drag some snacks with him on the way down so it's worth trying.

7. He will definitely drag some snacks with him on the way down so it's worth trying.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

8. Why even make plans with people.

8. Why even make plans with people.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

9. Small and meaningless? Time to get upset.

9. Small and meaningless? Time to get upset.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

10. This raccoon has obviously been through some sh*t.

10. This raccoon has obviously been through some sh*t.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

11. Random raccoon thoughts that invade your mind every now and then.

11. Random raccoon thoughts that invade your mind every now and then.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

12. No thank you. Wake me up when this whole mess is over.

12. No thank you. Wake me up when this whole mess is over.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

13. The perfect spirit animal.

13. The perfect spirit animal.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

14. I feel you Mr. Raccoon.

14. I feel you Mr. Raccoon.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

15. It would certainly be interesting to see that.

15. It would certainly be interesting to see that.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

16. Who even does that.

16. Who even does that.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

17. They stole some trash together, then went back home.

17. They stole some trash together, then went back home.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

18. In case you were wondering how a raccoon would eat a pizza.

18. In case you were wondering how a raccoon would eat a pizza.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

19. Damn, I wish I were that cool.

19. Damn, I wish I were that cool.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

20. You just hang in there until you get all your laundry.

20. You just hang in there until you get all your laundry.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus


21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

22. Something to send to your significant other.

22. Something to send to your significant other.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

23. Can't you see how calm I am?

23. Can't you see how calm I am?Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

24. They are pretending to be cats to fit in.

24. They are pretending to be cats to fit in.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

25. That can also be a self-care routine.

25. That can also be a self-care routine.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

26. Worst feeling ever.

26. Worst feeling ever.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

27. Just a casual Friday night.

27. Just a casual Friday night.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

28. Mlems are very important.

28. Mlems are very important.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

29. You can never win when you answer that question.

29. You can never win when you answer that question.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

30. The face of hunger and despair.

30. The face of hunger and despair.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

31. My whole life is a lie.

31. My whole life is a lie.Imgur: JebidiahBeetus

Trash pandas can be annoying sometimes, but it would be so boring without them and their hilarious shenanigans. If you liked this list make sure to check out similar content on our platform:

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