The Fluffiest And Chubbiest Puppers Ever That Are Here To Make Your Week
You're going to want to squish and snuggle these pupperinos.
- Published in Animals
There's no argument to be had: puppies are amazing. They're soft and sweet. They smell good (even their puppy breath is glorious.) They're playful as heck. They're also incredibly clumsy. This is the perfect storm of adorable, anyone with two brain cells to smoosh together would concur.
That said, there is a best of the best when it comes to puppers. The chubbier, the fluffier, the better! No one can resist the precious pups you're about to see. They've maximized their cuteness factors, they've cranked it up to an 11. However, I will provide you one fair warning: after you gaze upon these perfect pups you have a significantly increased likelihood of puppy fever.
1. Sharing is caring
Bonus points for snuggles.
cuteness2. Three of a kind
I'm seeing a whole lot of cute butts.
cuteness3. Living the dream
cuteness4. Bear-Dog
Baby bear, baby dog? Who cares. I want to snuggle.
cuteness5. Snoozin'
Cuteness and comfort combined.
cuteness6. One of the fluffiest puppers ever?
I believe so.
cuteness7. Just a little snooze.
Just looking at this pupper makes me ready for a nap.
cuteness8. Belly Baby
I wish I looked this cute when I was this round.
cuteness9. Haircut
Sometimes a dog gets fluffier when groomed. We dig it.
cuteness10. ERMAGERD
Play time is better with a fluffy pupper.
cuteness11. Roly Poly
So many rolls!
cutenes12. I Heart You
My only hope is that this is how I get proposed to someday.
cuteness13. Puppers or hoomans?
Fluffy like puppers but sitting like hoomans... so confusing!
cuteness14. Pondering the fluff
This chubby pupper appears to be in a philosophical pose.
cuteness15. Squishy Smiles
This is the best squishy smile I've ever seen.
cuteness16. Big and Fluffy
There's so much floof here, I can barely handle it.
cuteness17. Donut Doggo
This pupper looks mighty grateful to be in front of all these pastries.
cuteness18. Double trouble
Double the fluff and double the chunk makes me double the happy.
cuteness19. Sit and sigh.
This is how to properly wait for cuddles to come to you.
cuteness20. Maximum Fluff
cuteness21. Presentation
Here is a butter role of a pupper.
cuteness22. Say, "cheese!"
This fluffy husky baby put on his cheesiest smile and we definitely appreciate it.
cuteness23. Puppy toe beans
10 out of 10 would nom.
cuteness24. Cuddle Puddle
10 out of 10 would live forever in this cuddle puddle.
cuteness25. The bigger the better
If a puppy only grows in chub and fluff then you've got yourself a WINNER.