14 Strangely Frightening Versions Of Pop-Culture Characters That Are Otherwise Supposed To Be Comforting
This is one scary revelation you won’t forget in a hurry.

Since the very first cartoon, Fantasmagorie, hit the big screen in 1908, animation as a whole has gone through some amazing changes. Despite the fact that new episodes of Family Guy, Simpsons, SpongeBob SquarePants, etc are released yearly, they're just the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks to traditional cable networks and streaming sites, there has been an explosion of new characters and animation universes.
Gone are the days when only kids could relax and enjoy cartoons on a Saturday morning. Many now make use of wittier comedy, more nuanced characters, and deeper narrative to captivate people of all ages and backgrounds.
Teens and adults are excellent targets for several of these shows, and this gives them an opportunity to convey stories that are both accessible and impactful, while also being funny.
With the growing influence of these cartoon characters, the cosplay costume industry has experienced rapid growth, turning it into a billion-dollar market.
However, designing costumes for cartoon characters is a delicate science. Any slight miscalculation may transform them from something cute to a horrific nightmare that will haunt anyone who sets eyes on them.
If you still have doubts, we have no choice but to release a couple of those unintentional monsters to show just how cosplay may go horribly wrong on every level.
Hold tight because this is one scary revelation you won’t forget in a hurry.
1. Our beloved Super Mario facing execution
Sadly, Super Mario has been found guilty of war crimes in Nuremberg and executed on the spot. At least, that's how it appears n this photo.
On the other hand, that Mario costume is already a little unsettling before you even consider the gun. If you ran into this person in an alley while in possession of a lethal weapon, there's no way a jury would find you guilty of the inevitable outcome.
To be honest, we're not convinced that reproducing an iconic Vietnam War photograph with a beaming German journalist and a giant-headed, tiny-handed Italian plumber is a smart way of promoting a toy fair.
Anyways, there's more from where that came from.
2. Koala Mario
This failed Animorphs metamorphosis was manufactured as part of a fundraising campaign for an Australian wildlife hospital.
It gets worse
3. Which parent wants their child near this?
It appears that this big bouncy Mario castle is located somewhere in Europe. Keep your ears open for the long, prolonged scream if you're having difficulties finding it.
4. What have they done to Popeye?!
What you're seeing is an early attempt at a Popeye cosplay.
Seems someone took the Popeye thing more seriously that the cartoon creators themselves. This actually looks more terrifying than the actual Popeye drawings intended to scare people.
5. Ronald McDonald commercial
Are you aware that Ronald McDonald has existed since the early 60s? He used to look like a homeless person who had fallen asleep inside a garbage bin packed with McDonald's leftovers.
In the commercial, a terrifying-looking Ronald strikes up a conversation with an unidentified youngster who informs him that.
Mom told me never to talk to strangers.
In response, Ronald claims that this does not apply to him since he is Ronald McDonald. To demonstrate this, he magically pops three hamburgers out of a box and hands them to the youngster, saying;
I know you're not supposed to accept gifts from strangers either.
The kid exclaims;
But you're no stranger; you really ARE Ronald McDonald!, as the two run off holding hands.
6. Ronald MacDonald looking like a scarecrow

Here he materializes three hamburgers from thin air

The little boy starring in awe

To the other youngsters watching, this ad delivered a clear message: All of the safety precautions your parents have attempted to instill in you doesn't matter when it comes to persons costumed as psychotic clowns.
8. Whose bright idea was this?
"It's both fascinating and disturbing"
9. The Simpsons have gone psycho
The costumes seen here were awarded 1st place at a carnival in the Welsh town of Barry in 1995.
10. This is so haunting

11. Zombie Homer

Unused alternate Hank Schrader costume design

12. Marge Feat. Baby Nailed to Sternum

It's difficult to put your finger on what makes these costumes so eerie. Everything appears to be straight out of a horror film.
13. This is not the Sonic we know
Perhaps this is the real Sonic after he was smashed in the face by a soccer ball with such force that he was forever damaged by it. This may actually be the case, based on photographic evidence.
Maybe, it's Sonic afterall
14. A look at Disneyland back in the days....scary stuff!
Although Disney Land first opened its doors in 1955, Walt Disney had been hiring people to dress up as his characters long before he had the money to spend on things like roller coasters or making sure characters don't scare youngsters to death.
Is this Disneyland or Zombieland?
It's crazy to think that some of our beloved cartoon characters could be made to look so frightening. I mean, some of these costumes and sculptures could literally give someone a heart attack!
Probably cosplayers and sculptors should seek a second opinion before releasing their works to the public. It could save a lot of people from nightmares.
