This Guy Got A Bit Too Close For Comfort While Snapchatting A Fox
Cue instant regret.

Seeing wild animals in real life, especially in city settings, is a cool thing to observe. I'm not talking about zoos, but just random wildlife wandering around nearby.
Once my husband and I were out for a walk in a park next to Lake Michigan. This was very much in the city, but what do we see but a cute little fox just rolling around on the ground without a care in the world.
Interestingly enough, this story involves a fox as well. This dude happened to spot a fox and decided to SnapChat him. Well, the fox got a bit too close and nabbed the guy's wallet!
Read below to see what happened next with this sly little guy.
Oh hey a fox!

He's a friendly guy.

Getting a little close here.

Ready for his close-up.

Check out the whole experience!
After he took the wallet, he looked on from the bushes.

And the next morning, his wallet was waiting for him!

What is it about the leather?

It's like that coyote that ate Jerry's wallet.

Good question!


Dude is secretly an animator.

That's a good plan.


Dun, dun, dun!

My immediate first thought!

She's the best.

But one fox taken.

That took a dark turn.

I mean, I wrap my valuables in a hamburger all the time.

Double crossed!
