Dog Has The Most Unusual Way Of Checking Out What’s Going On The Street- By Sticking His Head Through The Fence

“The sight of the dog sticking its head out of a fence made me laugh.”

  • Published in Animals
Dog Has The Most Unusual Way Of Checking Out What’s Going On The Street- By Sticking His Head Through The Fence

Amanda Grace Hutter saw an unusual floating dog head while she was on one of her usual runs through Cambridge, Massachusetts, and she had to take a photo.

“I had just crossed the road when I heard a ‘Yelp!’” Hutter says. “This dog stuck its head out of its fence, and a man running past recoiled in surprise.”

This floating dog head belonged to an adorable fluffy Westie who was simply checking out what’s happening outside on the street. Hutter took few photos of the pooch and continued running since the dog wasn’t interested in petting.

“The sight of the dog sticking its head out of a fence made me laugh,” Hutter said. “The dog just looked around — it didn’t react to me.”

Amanda Grace Hutter

Hutter had run by that yard several times before, but she never noticed this cutie. But when she posted the photo on Facebook, she learned from others that this dog is famous around the neighborhood.

“I think I used to walk by this dog every day in college,” Kelly Ren commented. “He was one of my first ever Instagram photos!”

Amanda Grace Hutter
Amanda Grace Hutter

The dog has been doing this since 2012 and has since then surprised many people in the past decade. The dog doesn’t seem interested in pets or treats- he just watches the people passing by. Hutter hopes he’ll well show up on her next run and make her smile again.
