40 Of The Funniest Memes That Mocks Filmmakers Have Been Shared By An Instagram Page For You Laugh At The Industry's Silliness
“Let’s laugh at how ridiculous our industry is.”

While films have demonstrated their ability to reflect on their own creative process as well as their nature by going meta, filmmaking memes serve a similar purpose on a daily basis.
First and foremost, it breaks down an illusion of the action happening naturally in real time that filmmakers often work so hard to achieve. In other words, it exposes the hard work behind the 'perfect take' and delves deep into the daily hardships of individuals attempting to realize their vision.
It would be incorrect, however, to think that everyone enjoys seeing the illusion of a flawless cinematic world being somewhere out there being smashed right in front of their eyes.
Many individuals were irritated when a character named Paul in Hanneke's "Funny Games" began talking to the camera as if addressing the spectator of a film and making him self-conscious rather than absorbed in the reality of a film.
Again, this could be a matter of taste, as Paul is unlikely to be the conversation partner of most people's choice. Meet the "Filmmaker Memes," an Instagram page that has more than 40K followers.
They provide one good 'therapy' for filmmakers or other daily issues, which has always been humor or not taking things too seriously, as their motto states: "Let's laugh at how ridiculous our industry is."
More info: Instagram
1. The Universal Logo

2. Assistant editor

3. Fun to fix

4. Tommy Wiseau all the way

There are numerous examples from meta-films of characters with whom we are more inclined to identify and, as a result, accept our human shortcomings or weaknesses.
Federico Fellini's "8 ½" is a classic example and one of the pioneers of a meta-film, capturing and exploring the creative process by following a film director's character. He struggles to develop ideas for his next film and demonstrates the challenges and rewards of working in the film industry and artistic creation in general.
5. He does much worse

6. The camera operator

7. An unhappy art

8. A wake up call

9. Coughing on set

10. Call Time

11. Calling wrap early

12. The premiere just crashed

13. A formal movie score

14. Close your eyes

15. Which is it?

16. You get it?

17. Different directors, same person

18. Not knowing what we want

19. Compare

20. Why?

21. Just let it play

22. The godfather

23. Filmmaking brings suffering

24. Pick one

25. Handing out student film

26. Working on the script

27. Setting the bar too low

28. Full film analysis

29. The rough cut

30. Your major again?

31. Theater actors versus film actors

32. Every crew has...

33. Yoda got tired

34. Script and story

35. The budget

36. Pixar

37. The illusion of choice

38. I laugh again

39. Weak plot

40. It's the face for me

Tarantino's "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" is one of the more recent examples of a film becoming meta, as it depicts a more vulnerable, but maybe more realistic, portrait of an actor rather than glamorous images of traditional Hollywood performers. Leave your thoughts about this list in the comments section below.
