Redditor Creates Scene At Father's Day Gathering After Their Brother Picked On Their Autistic Son, Family Believes They Overreacted
"This is the last family event that I will ever host at my home"
The importance of Father's day can hardly be overstated. It is a time to come together and recognize the invaluable contribution that fathers make to their children's lives.
On Father's day, we honor our dads and express our love, gratitude, and appreciation for them in whatever way we can. Whether it's through a heartfelt message or an elaborate gift, showing dad that we care is a wonderful way to show our love and appreciation for all he has done.
For many children, Father's day is the perfect opportunity to give back to their aging fathers. For example, you might set up an elaborate brunch or dinner in honor of your dad, complete with his favorite foods and drinks.
Or you might plan a family outing, a day of fishing or golfing with your dad, or perhaps a special treat he has been longing for. In many ways, it's a wonderful occasion to express our love and appreciation for all our dads have done for us.
One Redditor decided to make their dad feel extra special on this year's Father's day. They set up a family gathering, with several family members, including their mum, brother, and son, in attendance.
Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a time of celebration for OP's dad turned into a fracas. Apparently, OP's 45-year-old brother picked on their 14-year-old Autistic son, and they weren't going to stand for it.
In a fit of rage, OP confronted him, asking him to leave the house. Worst of all, OP's mum was left in tears as the long-anticipated Father's day event was ruined.
This is one story that would leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth. Check out the full details below.
OP is not willing to host another family event ever again
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OP explained that they had a family get together to celebrate father's day. And they decided to have pizzas.
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Adam, OP's brother, licked the cheese off the last few pieces of pizza, knowing fully well that OP's autistic son won't have anything to eat
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OP confronted their brother and ended up asking him to leave
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This fracas undoubtedly ruined the get together, leaving OP's mum in tears
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We gathered the most interesting reactions for your viewing pleasure:
"A 45 year old man licked 6 slices of pizza on purpose so his nephew wouldn't eat?"
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"The grandparents saw nothing wrong with that and defended their disgusting son. Yikes!"
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Misplaced priorities
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"According to one of OP's comments, he's just being a baby over nephew going vegetarian"
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"You are definitely NTA, OP. I wouldn't host these people ever again either."
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"And why is good old mama not stepping in on that behavior?"
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"I'd be fucking pissed as a bystander."
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"Who licks food so other people can’t have any? Who wants to make it so that someone else can’t eat too? "
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"NTA, and I would pay close attention to how your brother treats your son when they are both visiting family."
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"I truly don't understand why everyone was defending the 45 year old."
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"NTA, your parents should understand that their grandchild has special needs and has to be put first in some situations."
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"Who in their right mind defends a grown ass man, taking that many slices of the only pizza a kid can eat, and licks every single piece in front of them?Who in their right mind defends a grown ass man, taking that many slices of the only pizza a kid can eat, and licks every single piece in front of them?"
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"Not even put first, the brother took 6 fucking pieces! 6!!! Who does that?!"
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Parents standing up for their kids, even against family members
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"Seriously!!! WTF is wrong with Adam? What 45 year old man licks pizza in front of a kid to stop them from eating it?"
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"That guy is a straight up bully"
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Although Father's day is meant to celebrate all the great things fathers do for their families, it can sometimes turn into something quite different. Whether it's through sibling rivalry or conflict, it's not unusual for a drama to unfold.
Thankfully, there are ways to keep the peace, and it all comes down to open communication and respect for one another. Hopefully, OP and her family can find a way to work through their issues and enjoy future family gatherings in peace and harmony.
Meanwhile, share your thoughts on the incident and tell us how you would have reacted in the same situation.