Father Sabotages His Daughter To Miss College Application Deadline Because She Didn't Choose University He Wanted

"It was a long process and didn’t get completed until after the deadline to enroll in most universities for the fall semester."

Father Sabotages His Daughter To Miss College Application Deadline Because She Didn't Choose University He Wanted

Every parent wants the best for their child. But, there is a tiny line between controlling the kid's life and choices and wanting them the best.

Therefore, parents need to be very self-critical to separate the two. But if they are not, they can always rely on their friends and family for unbiased opinions, or as in this case, on the Reddit community.

The OP, a 51-year-old man, and his ex-wife are parents to three children: two sons aged 15 and 13 and an 18-year-old daughter. Following their separation, they agreed on a 50/50 custody arrangement maintained until a recent conflict.

The OP's daughter has stopped communicating with him since the previous summer due to a disagreement regarding her college education. He had set college funds for his children, with the condition the funds would be available upon their high school graduation, provided they attended a state university rather than a community college.

He intended to ensure their success by having them obtain degrees from recognized four-year institutions. The conflict arose last spring when his daughter was applying for college financial aid and requested his tax returns.

Upon discovering she had chosen a local community college, the OP objected, stating his clear opposition to her choice. The argument escalated, leading him to leave the conversation abruptly, expecting the disagreement to resolve quickly as past conflicts had.

However, the situation worsened when his daughter proceeded with her financial aid application using only her mother's financial information. This process took longer than anticipated, and she missed the enrollment deadline for most universities that fall.

She expressed disappointment in her father's lack of support, leading to a permanent estrangement. Consequently, she found a job and started living with her mother full-time after turning 18.

Reflecting on the situation, after the OP's youngest son expressed missing his sister, the OP acknowledges he might have been overly harsh.

The OP asks:

The OP asks:Reddit

The OP said his daughter hasn't spoken to him for a year:

The OP said his daughter hasn't spoken to him for a year:Reddit

The OP and his daughter disagreed with her university preference:

The OP and his daughter disagreed with her university preference:Reddit

The daughter wanted to apply to a local community college:

The daughter wanted to apply to a local community college:Reddit

But the OP wanted her to attend a state university, or he wouldn't give her college funds:

But the OP wanted her to attend a state university, or he wouldn't give her college funds:Reddit

So, she submitted the forms without his financial information:

So, she submitted the forms without his financial information:Reddit

They approved her request, but she wasn't able to begin it in the following semester:

They approved her request, but she wasn't able to begin it in the following semester:Reddit

It created a new dispute between her and the OP:

It created a new dispute between her and the OP:Reddit

A year later, the OP started questioning his actions:

A year later, the OP started questioning his actions:Reddit

A Redditor said the OP's action was very wrong

A Redditor said the OP's action was very wrongReddit

The OP just forgot about his daughter

The OP just forgot about his daughterReddit

It seems like the OP doesn't care about his daughter

It seems like the OP doesn't care about his daughterReddit

The OP is definitely YTA

The OP is definitely YTAReddit

She should have supported his daughter's decision

She should have supported his daughter's decisionReddit

Another Redditor agreed

Another Redditor agreedReddit

The OP deserved to be cut off from his daughter's life

The OP deserved to be cut off from his daughter's lifeReddit

The OP sabotaged her

The OP sabotaged herReddit

It's judgmental and controlling

It's judgmental and controllingReddit

It's the worst possible thing that a parent could do to a child

It's the worst possible thing that a parent could do to a childReddit

He caused her to miss the entire semester of school

He caused her to miss the entire semester of schoolReddit

It's terrible

It's terribleReddit

Redditors were shocked after reading the OP's story. They agreed that the OP was in the wrong for his stance.

They couldn't help but notice that the OP started questioning his actions after his son said he missed his sister. It seems like the OP completely forgot about his daughter, which is the worst thing in this story.
