31 Stunning Photos Of Real "Fairy Forest Animals" Have Been Shared By The Photographer
These pictures reveals the most personal and lovable animal moments.

Let's dive into the mystical creatures of the forest. The 21-year-old Ossi Saarinen joins his affection for nature with his abilities in photography while capturing the numerous wild forest creatures that are residing in Finland’s mystical woodlands.
The talented wildlife photographer captures pictures of inquisitive foxes and mischievous reddish squirrels, right down to shy deers and, surprisingly, grizzly bears. He even gets very close to these enchanting animals while revealing their most personal and lovable moments.
Finland is, for the most part, covered in virgin tundras, forests, and lakes, making it the ideal home for many animal species. Saarinen spends so many hours in the pleasant landscape, quietly waiting for the hesitant animals to emerge.
His subsequent pictures seem to be something out of actual fantasy. There are fox cubs playing around, majestic owls roosting in snow-shrouded trees, and squirrels who are busy hoarding their nuts.
Well, Saarinen has revealed to My Modern Met what it feels like to burn time while shooting these astonishing creatures. Wildlife photography can be extremely challenging, but this makes it more fun for Saarinen, as he says that "sometimes it means hours and hours of waiting with no result, but when I finally get the shot I wanted, it’s all worth it."
Since he was a kid, the photographer has been "super interested in nature and especially animals" and he realized that he could "save and share those amazing moments and feelings" with the help of a camera.
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1. So sleepy

2. Hello, I see you

The photographer also revealed that he spent many hours with the animals, so they learned to trust him. "I start carefully from a far distance and then slowly, day-by-day, I try to get closer. I learned to know how the animal behaves and reacts to my presence," he added.
3. So majestic

4. Little and cute

5. The hoarding owl

He made sure to make no sudden movements or loud noises, and as time passed, the animals started trusting him more and letting him come closer. Foxes, especially young fox cubs, are the photographer’s favorite animal to capture, as he finds their life and behavior very intriguing.
6. Such an adorable pose

7. When you're into something surreal

"I feel very lucky and privileged to be able to do that. The fox cubs are also very adorable and cute, and the adult foxes are beautiful in their thick orange fur," Saarinen says.
8. Hey, Mr. Bear

9. Look at these cute little ones

10. The deer says hello

11. This owl is basking in the weather

12. Another majestic creature

13. Feels so surreal

14. Smile for the camera

15. I'm not giving my nuts

16. I got you

17. Come and get some...

18. Hey cutie, here's something for you...

19. A good meal for the day

20. Got you!

21. This makes me so happy

22. Someone's hungry...

23. I'm walking towards you

24. Be quick please...

25. Right in your face...

26. I'm here now, so... *click*

27. Feels so good

28. This should be one of my favorites

29. The stunning blend of colors

30. Oh hey, what's up?

31. Foxes in love

If you are interested in wildlife photography and you don’t have a camera, Saarinen advises that you start with a phone. Also, you need to "spend a lot of time in nature and with the animals, because the more you know about your photo subject, the closer you can get and the more interesting your photos can be."
The comments section is open for you to drop your thoughts about these mystical animals.
