40 Hilarious Memes That Poke Fun At The Evolution Of Everything

The world is constantly changing, and not for the better

  • Published in Funny
40 Hilarious Memes That Poke Fun At The Evolution Of Everything

It's the process that has brought us from single-celled organisms to the highly evolved beings we are today. But, let's be honest, things may not have gone as planned along the way.

Well, when it comes to evolution and human behavior, it's clear that some things may not have gone exactly as planned. Take, for example, our obsession with wearing pants.

Sure, they keep us warm and protected, but was this really the intended outcome of millions of years of evolution? And let's not forget about our love for spicy foods.

Did evolution really expect us to enjoy setting our mouths on fire every time we eat a bowl of chili? Or how about our bizarre fascination with reality TV shows?

Did our ancient ancestors sit around the fire, glued to episodes of The Bachelor? But perhaps the most puzzling aspect of human behavior is our obsession with taking selfies.

Why do we feel the need to snap a photo of ourselves every five minutes? Did evolution really intend for us to spend so much time staring at our own faces?

Yup, there is an abundance of facts around us that show that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong, and this Reddit thread mocks them. Take a look at 40 of the funniest memes.

1. Evolution

1. Evolutionreddit.com

2. Language Evolution

2. Language Evolutionutkunator

3. Evolution Of Grill

3. Evolution Of Grillpipirisnais

4. Evolution Of Dad

4. Evolution Of Dadhowdidigethere279

5. Still Don't Believe?

5. Still Don't Believe?cheezeburger

6. Evolution Of Steve

6. Evolution Of Steveenes3626

7. The Rock

7. The Rocksayinimages

8. I'm 14 And This Is Deep

8. I'm 14 And This Is Deepreddit.com

9. We Have Reached The Pinnacle Of Evolution

9. We Have Reached The Pinnacle Of Evolutionsmolsoftpotato

10. Bold Prediction For Windows 12 Logo

10. Bold Prediction For Windows 12 LogoSpark-Plug_1969

11. Real Evolution

11. Real EvolutionIneedapill

12. Evolution Stuff

12. Evolution Stuffjddupr1

13. Evolution Is Unfair

13. Evolution Is UnfairMaLAWndi

14. Evolution Of Vocabulary

14. Evolution Of VocabularyLazygamer9878

15. Windows Has Turned Around

15. Windows Has Turned AroundUnifriesYT

16. Evolution Be Like

16. Evolution Be LikeOddNovel565

17. Evolution Failed Us. We’ll Get ‘Em Next Time

17. Evolution Failed Us. We’ll Get ‘Em Next TimeKirk_Plunk

18. Full Circle

18. Full Circlecdnmemes

19. Pinnacle Of Evolution

19. Pinnacle Of EvolutionIrrelevantHooman3549

20. Prime Example Of Evolution

20. Prime Example Of EvolutionPeebi24

21. The Evolution Of Expertise

21. The Evolution Of ExpertiseYour_post_not_good

22. Pokémon Evolutions

22. Pokémon Evolutionspale_guy_

23. Evolution.... Yes

23. Evolution.... Yesganga_gp

24. Evolution Of Batman (Colorized)

24. Evolution Of Batman (Colorized)Orphis_

25. Evolution Is A Lie

25. Evolution Is A Liebenderdender

26. Evolution

26. EvolutionNeptalian

27. Evolution Is Imminent

27. Evolution Is ImminentMindedSpy

28. Evolution Guys

28. Evolution GuysHarijs_LV

29. Cheat Codes Now And Then

29. Cheat Codes Now And ThenAlloth-

30. Behold The Evolution Of The Firefox

30. Behold The Evolution Of The Firefoxrakosten

31. Glad It’s Not Just Me That Can’t Unsee The iPhone Notch As A Receding Hairline

31. Glad It’s Not Just Me That Can’t Unsee The iPhone Notch As A Receding HairlineDefinitely-Not-Joe-

32. Excellent Evolution

32. Excellent EvolutionQuicklyWorried

33. Ah The Circle Of Life

33. Ah The Circle Of Life107.5 Dave Rocks

34. Evolution Of Dogs I Guess

34. Evolution Of Dogs I Guessnoobutprostevenboi

35. Theory Of Evolution In A Nutshell

35. Theory Of Evolution In A NutshellSteakGyllenhaal

36. The Evolution Of The Games

36. The Evolution Of The GamesFireFighter1459

37. It’s Basically The Next Step In Evolution

37. It’s Basically The Next Step In EvolutionOMGitzRYAN

38. American Home Evolution

38. American Home EvolutionRUTHLESS_RAJ

39. Evolution

39. EvolutionTigerMCU

40. Youtube Evolution

40. Youtube Evolutionletscinema

Despite these strange quirks, it's clear that humans are a resilient and adaptable species. We may not always make the best fashion choices or have the most refined taste in food, but we find ways to thrive and make the most of our strange and wonderful existence.

So, let's embrace our weirdness and keep evolving - who knows what strange behaviors we'll develop next!
