28 Of The Rudest And Most Entitled People To Ever Step Foot Into A Restaurant
If you love reading about entitled and rude customers then you're in for a treat with this one.

Everyone who has worked in some sort of customer service has probably seen something weird disturbing, rude, or entitled. They also have probably encountered countless rude and entitled people.
There are some customers who really just think the whole business revolves around them and there are some people who just did things in these restaurants that were just... weird. Either way, there is a vast spectrum of customers out there and also workers who would've handled the situation differently.
Everyone loves reading about entitled and rude customers because it's easy to relate to, but it's even better when people these entitled and rude people are on camera. I mean, it really does make a great social media post to get some laughs and give entertainment.
We love these types of posts just as much as you, which is why we brought you 28 of the rudest and more entitled customers to ever come into any public restaurant. These 28 people either were being plain rude, acting as if the world revolves around them, or they just did something just not acceptable in a public place like that.
Regardless, we've all encountered people like this which makes this even more entertaining to see. Let's dive into his and check out these 28 rude customers.
1. Now this is not the place to have your feet out.
2. This person decided to take it further and apply foot powder
3. At least clean up if you're going to use a public space like that for a gender reveal.
4. People are so childish
5. This person is definitely rude and they got called out on it.
6. Ohhh no, I don't get why they wouldn't go the the restroom.
7. It's a sad world.
8. I never imagined that a sign like this would need to exist.
9. Okay this might be the most entitled person I've seen.
10. I feel like this is so disrespectful. Either tip, or don't.
11. Glad they were able to give tips, but didn't give a useful tip.
12. People really don't care.
13. Wait, what? This is by far the rudest comment or customer we've seen so far. This was uncalled for.
14. This is not a tip and it never will be a tip.
15. They actually took the time to print and type these up to keep with them. Wow.
16. This was given to a server by two underage kids trying to order drinks.
17. I feel like this would be more of a reason to tip rather than a reason not to tip.
18. People are extremely weird, creepy, and scary.
19. People abusing the policy and they ruined it for everyone.
20. This is just another example of an adult tantrum.
21. People really are out of line.
22. I'm confused on why the parent is joking about this.
23. So they had money to eat out but not the extra $5 to tip.
24. There are so many things wrong with this.
25. They should've found some way to kick him out.
26. Sometimes $5 isn't a good enough tip, and also it's rude to tease your waiter like that for sure.
27. Again, they messed it up for everyone.
28. This is the worst of them all. They shouldn't have even went out.
Some of these customers were rude, slick, disgusting, and just overall a little bit weird which made it very interesting. It's crazy to imagine what servers see on a daily basis, but seeing all of these makes me think it's probably a wild job.
Have you ever experienced a customer like any of these?
