Moment Entitled Mom And Her Kid Try To Steal Lady's Cat Only For Her Tall, Massive Boyfriend To Run To Her Rescue

"Please make her return my cat back to me and my kid"

Moment Entitled Mom And Her Kid Try To Steal Lady's Cat Only For Her Tall, Massive Boyfriend To Run To Her Rescue

Everyone has met someone who exudes entitlement. Perhaps it was the individual at the coffee shop who attempted to cut in front of you.

Maybe it was someone who showed up to a packed restaurant without a reservation and asked to be seated in front of you. Put simply, those who feel entitled believe they are above the law.

A feeling of deservingness or being owed a favor when little or nothing has been done to merit special treatment is known as the entitlement mentality. Even if they never say sorry for being late, they could act out if you are the one who is running late.

It appears that they treat themselves differently from everyone else when it comes to rules. These are the individuals who have a sense of entitlement, and it's critical to develop excellent coping mechanisms with these people because failing to do so could quickly and needlessly upset your life.

The narrator of today's story had an encounter with an entitled mom, which landed her in fear and tears. OP's mom bought her a beautiful Thai kitten, a blue point with piercing silver-blue eyes, one absolutely beautiful creature, and a goofball.

OP took her car out one day for a walk, only to meet someone who wanted her cat at all costs. Read on to find out what actually transpired.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/marynemka

This is the first pet that the OP and her boyfriend ever shared

This is the first pet that the OP and her boyfriend ever sharedReddit/marynemka

"Oh my god is it a kitten on the harness, how cute, what a beautiful cat"


"Mommy, I want the cat, I want the cat, I want the cat!"


OP's boyfriend gives her a puzzled look as he sees that she's in a lot of stress

OP's boyfriend gives her a puzzled look as he sees that she's in a lot of stressReddit/marynemka

This is the first time the OP has ever encountered something like that

This is the first time the OP has ever encountered something like thatReddit/marynemka

The OP also reveals saying

I think in my country pets are also classified as property. And I will follow your suggestion if (and I hope not) something like this will occur ever again.

I was furious but I couldn’t punch her, holding a cat in a stressful situation is very hard as their first reaction is to get away from there and they will use all their power, claws, teeth etc. Plus I didn’t want to get in trouble, I was just too worried for my own safety and the safety of my pet.

What if I would hit her and my precious kitten would run away... I am so scared to even think of that! I never, never ever want to lose my fur friend


And the comments roll in...

And the comments roll in...Reddit/marynemka

Good luck to the OP and her cat

Good luck to the OP and her catReddit/marynemka

She was the first to harass the OP

She was the first to harass the OPReddit/marynemka

The OP should check if it's legal

The OP should check if it's legalReddit/marynemka

She must have always gotten things her way

She must have always gotten things her wayReddit/marynemka

This Redditor has read people respond to that better

This Redditor has read people respond to that betterReddit/marynemka

Everyone knows someone who seems to think their needs and goals are the center of the universe. They behave as if everyone owes them something, and when things don't go their way, they frequently lose it.

Redditors sympathized with the OP while advising her to get her cat chipped. Do share this article with your loved ones to get their own opinions on it.
