Entitled Mom Furious As Her Precious Daughter Is Overlooked During Family Visit To Newborn Cousin In Hospital

"My sister barely spoke to my daughter which also hurt her feelings."

Entitled Mom Furious As Her Precious Daughter Is Overlooked During Family Visit To Newborn Cousin In Hospital

When a family welcomes a new baby, it's usually a happy time. But sometimes, in all the excitement, older kids might feel forgotten or less important.

This can be tricky for families to handle, especially during big family gatherings like visiting the new baby for the first time. Here's a story from someone on Reddit who ran into a tough spot with their family over something like this.

OP who is sharing the story went to the hospital with her 5-year-old daughter to see her sister's new baby girl. This baby was a big deal because she was the first girl born on the sister-in-law's side of the family.

OP knew the baby would get a lot of attention, but she didn't expect her daughter to feel so left out. The sister-in-law's family kept talking about how the baby was the prettiest and most perfect girl, and they hardly noticed the 5-year-old.

Even the kid's aunt didn't pay much attention to her, which hurt her feelings. Seeing this, OP decided to leave early but ended up in a bit of an argument when explaining why.

The sister-in-law and her family didn't take it well, and the situation got awkward fast. After the hospital visit, OP felt torn.

She didn't like how the situation was handled, especially seeing her daughter upset. But she also wondered if she should say sorry to keep the peace.

OP's sister and her wife recently welcomed their first baby, a girl, it's the first granddaughter in her wife's family, and they're thrilled since both of her sisters have boys.

OP's sister and her wife recently welcomed their first baby, a girl, it's the first granddaughter in her wife's family, and they're thrilled since both of her sisters have boys.Reddit

When OP and her daughter visited the hospital to see the newborn, SIL's family was there, they barely spoke to OP's daughter, instead, they showered compliments on the baby.

When OP and her daughter visited the hospital to see the newborn, SIL's family was there, they barely spoke to OP's daughter, instead, they showered compliments on the baby.Reddit

OP's daughter felt ignored by her aunt, but her aunt's wife stepped in to encourage her to be a great cousin, but attention quickly waned.

OP's daughter felt ignored by her aunt, but her aunt's wife stepped in to encourage her to be a great cousin, but attention quickly waned.Reddit

OP left because she felt uncomfortable and explained to her sister it was because her daughter felt ignored.

OP left because she felt uncomfortable and explained to her sister it was because her daughter felt ignored.Reddit

OP confronted her sister-in-law about her family's favoritism and beauty comparisons, but she accused OP of starting drama, and OP's sister didn't intervene.

OP confronted her sister-in-law about her family's favoritism and beauty comparisons, but she accused OP of starting drama, and OP's sister didn't intervene.Reddit

OP is torn between apologizing for possibly overreacting and standing her ground against feeling excluded.

OP is torn between apologizing for possibly overreacting and standing her ground against feeling excluded.Reddit

Expecting OP's daughter to receive attention during the visiting newborn is entitled.

Expecting OP's daughter to receive attention during the visiting newborn is entitled.Reddit

They were complimenting the baby, not comparing OP's child's looks, she caused unnecessary drama.

They were complimenting the baby, not comparing OP's child's looks, she caused unnecessary drama.Reddit

OP is in the wrong for causing unnecessary drama.

OP is in the wrong for causing unnecessary drama.Reddit

OP sounds jealous and throws tantrums like a toddler sibling when they have to share attention with a new baby.

OP sounds jealous and throws tantrums like a toddler sibling when they have to share attention with a new baby.Reddit

OP shouldn't encourage her child to feel like the center of attention all the time.

OP shouldn't encourage her child to feel like the center of attention all the time.Reddit

OP's parenting should include teaching her child not to expect attention in every situation.

OP's parenting should include teaching her child not to expect attention in every situation.Reddit

OP is the as*hole for making it all about her daughter during everyone's first time meeting the new baby girl.

OP is the as*hole for making it all about her daughter during everyone's first time meeting the new baby girl.Reddit

It's important to understand everyone's feelings. When people visit a new baby, they're usually excited and might not realize if they're not paying attention to older kids.

The compliments about the baby were probably just about how cute she was, not comparing her to OP's daughter. It's normal for parents to want their kids to feel special, but it's also important for kids to learn that they won't always be the center of attention.

Teaching them about sharing and understanding others' feelings is part of being a good parent. In short, while OP's feelings are understandable, the situation might have been handled better with a calm conversation.

It's important for everyone, including kids, to learn how to share attention and understand that they won't always be the focus.
