Entitled Mom Demands Airplane Passenger Stop Watching His Movie And Entertain Her 7-Year-Old Instead

Glad she wasn't sitting next to me coz' I would have showed her the door.

  • Published in Funny
Entitled Mom Demands Airplane Passenger Stop Watching His Movie And Entertain Her 7-Year-Old Instead

For most children, flying is a big deal. It's a big deal for a lot of adults too.

I mean, I don't know about you, but when I'm scheduled to fly, my excitement hits the roof. I love flying, but it's after we've taken off where the problem starts.

Boredom quickly grips you, as you have no clue how to spend your time sitting in a chair among complete strangers. If it's a long flight, well, God bless you.

To kill boredom and help pass the time, we bring more than just a few snacks on the plane. Music, movies, and work accompany us, so we don't start hallucinating mid-air.

But what about children? They like to stare outside and watch the clouds whiz by, but only to an extent.

Parents with very small children have it worse, though. I've personally come across two kinds of parents on the flight.

  1. Ones who don't give a rat's bum about others and won't discipline their children who're screaming their heads off.
  2. Others who care and try everything they can to stop their children from destroying everyone else.

We understand tantrums of kids who're too small, but any kid above six throwing a tantrum gets to you. Especially if it's a long flight.

This story is about Redditor WitchesCoven99 and how she met an entitled mom and her 7-year-old son on a flight to London.

When her son got bored, this mom did nothing to entertain him. Instead, she assumed fellow passengers on the flight were born to serve her. She outsourced the task of calming her son to WitchesCoven99!

WitchesCoven99, on the other hand, had no idea she was in for the flight of a lifetime when she exchanged a smile or two with the entitled mom.

We'll let WitchesCoven99 explain.

This is how it all began...

This is how it all began...WitchesCoven99

Venom is not for kids. Wait, I didn't say that.

Venom is not for kids. Wait, I didn't say that.WitchesCoven99

It's a cool movie, and not OP's fault the entitled mom's son was watching it.

It's a cool movie, and not OP's fault the entitled mom's son was watching it.WitchesCoven99

You're not going to like this, I promise you.

You're not going to like this, I promise you.WitchesCoven99

Is it OP's fault you're sitting next to a normal human being? Nope.

Is it OP's fault you're sitting next to a normal human being? Nope.WitchesCoven99

I'd be shocked too. Mind your business, mom.

I'd be shocked too. Mind your business, mom.WitchesCoven99

Exactly. That's YOUR problem, entitled mom.

Exactly. That's YOUR problem, entitled mom.WitchesCoven99

Oh boy. This sucks.

Oh boy. This sucks.WitchesCoven99




Booyah. WitchesCoven99

Dang. The nerve.

Dang. The nerve.WitchesCoven99

Wow, what a horrible flight.

Wow, what a horrible flight.WitchesCoven99

Redditors respond to WitchesCoven99's story.

This is the most horrible flight ever, I suppose, and it would take WitchesCoven99 a considerable amount of time to move past the trauma of meeting an entitled person.

As soon as she posted her story on Reddit, people from all over the world expressed horror and shock at how she was treated on a flight. With over 400 comments, the post was upvoted over 15,000 times.

Here's what people said.

Even I could feel the heat, and I wasn't even there at that time.

Even I could feel the heat, and I wasn't even there at that time.WitchesCoven99

Exactly. EM just chose to let others handle her kid.

Exactly. EM just chose to let others handle her kid.WitchesCoven99

Lucky you.

Lucky you.WitchesCoven99

Sometimes you just have to say it to get your worth across.

Sometimes you just have to say it to get your worth across.WitchesCoven99

No one. Wonder how EM would have reacted if the same happened to her.

No one. Wonder how EM would have reacted if the same happened to her.WitchesCoven99

Yeah, true that. But in the heat of the moment, it's difficult to remain that calm.

Yeah, true that. But in the heat of the moment, it's difficult to remain that calm.WitchesCoven99

Well, how about doing some due diligence? smh.

Well, how about doing some due diligence? smh.WitchesCoven99

Yes, good for you, OP.

Yes, good for you, OP.WitchesCoven99

Horrible, isn't it? This entitled mom had it coming, though. How can you expect a complete stranger to entertain your kid while you stretch your legs a little?

It's wrong and we're glad OP stood her ground. Sometimes you need to talk the same language an entitled person understands to get your word across.

How would you have reacted if this happened to you? Can't wait to know how you would've reacted!

You'll be doing me a solid by sharing my articles with your fam, y'all.
