Elliot Page Reflects On Regrettable Line From "Juno" - A Moment He Didn't Register Then

Elliot Page opens up about a line he wishes he never said in "Juno," shedding light on the importance of evolving beyond outdated norms.

Elliot Page Reflects On Regrettable Line From "Juno" - A Moment He Didn't Register Then

Elliot Page, widely recognized for his role as the quirky and intelligent Juno MacGuff in the 2007 indie hit "Juno," recently opened up about a particular line from the film that he now deeply regrets. The line, delivered during a casual conversation about baby names, contains a remark Page now views as problematic.

In hindsight, Page acknowledges that the significance of the line "didn’t register at the time," but as he has grown both personally and professionally, it now stands out as a moment he wishes he could take back.

"Juno," directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody, became a cultural phenomenon upon its release. The film was praised for its sharp dialogue, unique characters, and its fresh take on the topic of teen pregnancy.

Page's portrayal of Juno, a witty and strong-willed teenager navigating an unplanned pregnancy, earned him widespread acclaim, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. The movie itself was a major success, grossing over $230 million worldwide on a modest budget, and it won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

However, as with many films from the past, "Juno" is not without its problematic moments. One such moment occurs when Juno dismisses a potential baby name as “a little gay.”

At the time, the line may have been intended as a throwaway joke, reflective of the casual, sometimes insensitive humor that was more prevalent in the media.

But in today's more socially conscious climate, it's a line that stands out for the wrong reasons.


Page, who publicly came out as a transgender man in 2020, has since become an influential advocate for LGBTQ rights.

His transition was met with widespread support, and he has used his platform to speak out on issues of trans visibility, representation, and equality. His memoir, "Pageboy," published in 2023, quickly became a bestseller and offered readers a candid look into his journey, both as a person and as a public figure.

The book dives deep into his experiences in Hollywood, the challenges of coming out, and his reflections on past roles, including "Juno."

Page, who publicly came out as a transgender man in 2020, has since become an influential advocate for LGBTQ rights.Searchlight Pictures

In discussing the controversial line from "Juno," Page has expressed that it was not something he fully understood at the time.

It was only with age, experience, and a deeper understanding of the impact such remarks can have that he came to regret it. “So many movies I loved as a kid are just rampant with homophobia and transphobia and biphobia,” Page remarked in a 2017 interview.

He has since refused to say the line in any subsequent readings or references to the film.

In discussing the controversial line from Patricia Schlein/Star Max/GC Images

Elliot Page’s reflections on "Juno" are a powerful reminder of how much we’ve grown as a society in challenging outdated norms in popular culture. They also show that growth is a journey, even for beloved actors who are constantly learning and evolving.

As Page moves forward in his career and advocacy, his experiences highlight the importance of reflecting on the past, learning from it, and striving to create a more inclusive future for everyone.
