16 Pets Taking Overdramatic Reactions To The Next Level

Will Smith has some serious competition...

  • Published in Animals
16 Pets Taking Overdramatic Reactions To The Next Level

Life would be so boring without our pets. And they never miss an opportunity to remind us of it.

Pets are capable of overreacting, and those with dramatic personalities can keep you laughing all day. Aside from their fluffiness and adorability, the silly things they do are unique.

Who wouldn't adore a dog that is offended by its owner and makes funny faces? What about the cat that didn't get a treat today and is refusing to leave her bed because she is sad?

These are the small details that make our hearts melt when we see animals. Having a pet is a blessing since these fuzzy creatures will continue to entertain you until you become frustrated by the bother.

However, the sensation is well worth it. Were you experiencing a stressful day since the weekend isn't here yet?

If yes, don't worry, we've got you covered. This article features 16 animals who, according to their acting abilities, might easily land main roles in a theatrical production.

They would make Will Smith's Oscar escapade look so plain and boring. Their expressions will astound you because you have never witnessed such drama before.

Prepare yourself for a thrilling roller-coaster journey of emotions. These are the drama queens of the animal world:

1. "Due to certain complications, he was not taken to the park as planned, and now he would not quit staring at the wall."

1. © IEX-NoAverageJoe

2. "When you find out that you will not be going to the beach today,"

2. © downriverrowing

3. "Dad got artworks commissioned of some of the local dogs at the dog park..."

3. © Pigbreeder

4. "My coworker wanting to discuss his treat allowance"

4. © Kusaribes

5. "He’s using his back leg as a pillow"

5. © courtedge77

6. Give me attention, please....

6. Give me attention, please....© JDBAZ

7. Doing some hard work...

7. Doing some hard work...© GottaDigDeeper

8. "He licked the medicine dropper once. Now does this anytime I put it near him. Good thing it's not his medicine."

8. © aviationdrone


9.© NormallyIDontDoThis

Are animals really capable of feeling emotions?

Pythagoreans long ago believed that animals experience the same range of emotions as humans and current research provides evidence that at least some animals likely feel basic emotions like joy, fear, anger, disgust, and, yes, love. However, the animals do not experience more complex emotions like guilt, pride, and shame.

10. "Sick and tired of all the social distancing"

10. © 3rdMrFunnyPants

11. "Bringing out the treat bag"

11. © Radish00

12. "Found this guy at Minnehaha falls in MN, he has a great smile"

12. © mrmoorer32

13. "I can never enjoy food alone in my house."

13. © MelissaBM

14. "My dog Sasha just being her perfect little self "

14. © UsefulPast

15. "My majestic pupper when she saw the bank teller bringing her a treat."

15. © 0PretendImNotHere

16. "She want's to try the new cat food..."

16. © idsdejong

Are animals capable of feeling love for humans? Both pets and zoo animals build close bonds with their keepers.

Animals are capable of loving their caregivers because attachment is a sort of love. Dogs have been claimed to love their owners so much that they grieve for years after they die.

And you have to admit that love is a basis for any good drama...
