Photos Of People Who Came Across Their Doppelgangers
Meeting your doppelganger was once considered as bad luck, but now it is just awesome.

Seeing a doppelganger was once considered as bad luck or something evil. They were seen as an evil twin or a paranormal creature.
If you think that these are just folk tales, the science back then didn’t offer optimistic explanations either - seeing your exact replica somewhere was a sign of epilepsy or schizophrenia. So, you can see why seeing a doppelganger was not something enjoyable those days….
Now, with science progressing, and with people’s understanding of how large the human population truly is, we can easily accept the fact that somewhere, a glitch in the system produced our exact copy. After all, so many of us have common ancestors, without even knowing it…
People are sharing their doppelgangers photos, and we have selected some of the best. They will leave you wondering if you have a double out there….
"Been Told 3 Times I Have A Dopplegänger. Where Are They??"

"I Found My Doppelganger In A Bar Bathroom"

"Met My Doppelgänger. He's A Better Smiler Than I Am."

"My Friend Just Found His Doppelganger"

"I (im The Shorter One) Met My Canadian Doppelganger On A Cruise Ship With My Wife On Our Honeymoon!"

"I Found My Literal Doppelgänger Just Now Wtf"

"My Dads Coworker Is Also His Doppelgänger"

"Found My Doppelgänger At The Pub After My Friends Went Up And Hugged Her 😂"

"Found My Doppelganger. Funny.... We Even Share The Same Birthday"


"Just Now, Found My Doppelganger. Surreal. My Mom Told Me To Ask My Father Why This Guy Looks Like Me..."

"Met My Doppelgänger At Work! She Was Hired To The Same Unit 3 Months Before Me"

"His Girlfriend Of One Year Started Walking Towards Me Thinking I Was Him..."

"Ran Into My Daughter On A Business Trip... Oops. Guess Not."

"Found My Doppelganger, Bought Him A Jager And Got This Photo Op."

"My Bf (left) Met His Doppelganger At Ikea Last Night"

"When Retired Priest Neil Richardson Moved To Essex He Found People Kept Coming Up To Him To Say "Hello John" - Because His Double Already Lived There"

"I Met My Doppelganger A Year Ago In A Choir. I Was A New Member. Everyone Kept Telling Us That We Look Alike. We Denied For Months, Until We Decided To Do Snapchat's Face-swap. We Couldn't Stop Laughing When Looking At The Result."

"Just 20 Minutes Before I Walked Into The Restaurant, The Server Told Her She Looked Like Me. We Actually Already Know Each Other."

"My Doppelgänger. He's A Korean Rapper Called Zico!"

"My Girlfriend Met Her Doppelganger"

"My Friend Also Found His Doppelgänger At A Party"

"This Is Me And My Doppelgänger. Have Any Of You Redditors Met Yours In Real Life?"

"My Brother From Another Mother."

"My Friend Met His Doppelganger On A Night Out..."

"I Ran Into My Doppelganger At My Cousin's Wedding And She's My Cousin's Husband's Sister, No Other Relation"

"It's Always An Interesting Night When You Randomly Run Into A Beard Doppelganger"

"My Own Doppelganger That I Ran Into At A Music Festival, Plus A Face-Swap Of The Photo"

"My Wife (left) Met Her Doppelgänger On Our Holiday In Rome."

"I Was Walking Around A While Back And Met My Doppleganger, We Even Have The Same First Name"

"My Friend Found Her Doppelganger At A Party"

"10 Years Ago When I Went Off To College For The First Time, People I Didn't Know Kept Coming Up To Me And Calling Me "Brian". My Name Is Josh. Then A Few Weeks Into The Semester I Met Brian And We Took This Picture Together."

"I Think I Found My Beard Doppelgänger"

"Met My Doppelgänger And Thought I'd Share. We Even Had Matching Hair Accessories. I'm On The Left"

"Met My Doppelganger"

"My Fiancé Ran Into His Doppelgänger At A Car Show. I Called The Guy Over And Made Them Take A Picture Together."

"Was Out Last Saturday Night Minding My Own Business When A Guy And His Parents Approached Me For A Photo. Apparently I'm His Doppelganger?"

"I Met My Twin Brother From Another Mother At The Bar. His Name Is Adam And He Also Likes Beer"

"Doppelgangers. Truly Freaky"

"My Brother Met His Black Doppelganger Last Night"

"My Doppelganger Was Seated Next To Me On A Plane, Then We Accidentally Checked Into The Same Hotel And Went For A Beer"

"My Friend Met His Doppelganger Last Night"

"I Met My Doppelganger In Australia!"

"Met My Doppelganger At Work! Now We're Besties!"

"Bumped Into My Doppelganger At Subic Bay. My Dad, Cousins And Brother Accidentally Mistook Her For Me, So My Aunty Asked Her If We Could Take A Photo Together"

"So My Friend Found His Doppelgänger?"

"I Finally Meet Longtime Virtual Pal Steve Burnett. Other People Stare In Horror At The Uncanny Duplication."

"That Night Eliot Met His Doppelganger"

"Saw Doppelgänger On Front Page Met Mine A Few Weeks Ago"

"Got Stationed In Okinawa And Shortly After My Doppelgänger Joined My Unit"
