30 Tweets That Accurately Sum Up Our Reactions After Watching 'Don't Look Up' On Netflix

It captures the perfect amount of satire from the kind of society that we live in at present time.

  • Published in Funny
30 Tweets That Accurately Sum Up Our Reactions After Watching 'Don't Look Up' On Netflix

What would happen if there was actually a comet three times the size of Mount Everest on a path to destroy the planet Earth six months from now? The film "Don't Look Up" eerily captures what the reaction of society would probably be if we were to face this inevitable doomed future—because it perfectly mirrors the people and events that are already in our world now.

Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo Dicaprio as scientists with bad haircuts, the movie also takes pride in having other award-winning actors on screens, such as Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Timothée Chalamet, and the ever-angelic voice and appearance of Ariana Grande. With those actors plastered on the film's poster, you would expect a lot of people to immediately watch it and oh boy, they do have a lot of mixed feelings about the film.

If you have already watched the movie, then you would know how it perfectly captures the whole division in the society, depicted by the whole Upper Lookers vs Don't Look Uppers fiasco. The film is a satirical take to what would probably happen if the end of the world comes near, and it involves making fun of scientists, questioning science itself, and of course, tons and tons of memes.

That being said, check out the people's reactions to the film via tweets below!

1. Sheesh

1. SheeshLesleyHennen

2. Lady Trump

2. Lady TrumpAbba_Annabelle

3. That moment of dreadful realization because this is probably accurate

3. That moment of dreadful realization because this is probably accurateiamodondi

4. Did you honestly think that was foolproof?

4. Did you honestly think that was foolproof?LOTNorm

5. He captures their detachment to the real world perfectly, as well as their obsession with space

5. He captures their detachment to the real world perfectly, as well as their obsession with spacenetflxdiaries

6. The power

6. The powerdragonsbIood

7. It's actually happening with a lot of scientifc crises at present time

7. It's actually happening with a lot of scientifc crises at present timehopegabrielleee

8. A mutant?

8. A mutant?kalycho

9. stars for those who understand our situation right now

9. stars for those who understand our situation right nowSethMacFarlane

10. Let's face it...

10. Let's face it...LZatYT

11. The hot scientist

11. The hot scientistRohan_Naidu

12. Anything with Chalamet in it

12. Anything with Chalamet in itTyMethy

13. Just why?

13. Just why?JenniferUpdates

14. What's the point of it if we're all going to die anyway?

14. What's the point of it if we're all going to die anyway?DrEricDing

15. Big oops

15. Big oopsryanschuchard

16. The Daily Rip daily spreading toxic positivity

16. The Daily Rip daily spreading toxic positivitytortondo

17. Taking notes

17. Taking notesFredTJoseph

18. This is so accurate

18. This is so accurateurbobitch

19. Just to hear that angelic voice one last time

19. Just to hear that angelic voice one last timeCUZIATTRACTIT

20. We could ALL learn a thing or two from this movie. *coughs*

20. We could ALL learn a thing or two from this movie. *coughs*netflxdiaries

21. Makes sense

21. Makes senseDerekGordon67

22. If the world was actually ending

22. If the world was actually endinggoforbIood

23. And not just Ivy Leaguers!

23. And not just Ivy Leaguers!thebirdmaniac

24. Those who get it, get it

24. Those who get it, get itShelbyBBaldwin

25. Honestly, why did a three-star general charged for free snacks in the White House?

25. Honestly, why did a three-star general charged for free snacks in the White House?ultimategeo45

26. Jonah Hill killed it, though!

26. Jonah Hill killed it, though!jacksontsimpson

27. It's definitely a different kind of plot twist from IRL Leo

27. It's definitely a different kind of plot twist from IRL Leocinephilejen

28. If only that was the case

28. If only that was the caseBrandonTozzo

29. The world needs more people who care!

29. The world needs more people who care!jes4climate

30. Cat-niss

30. Cat-niss9GAG

A-star celebrities aside, the film's definitely worth the watch and those who say otherwise might just be the problems that this movie is tackling about. Comet Dibiasky might not be real but our world is already facing a lot of challenges today that will just lead to our doom if we won't take it seriously.

Have you already watched the movie? Comment down your thoughts or share these reactions with your family and friends!
