51 Adorable And Friendly Pictures From The "Dogs With Jobs" Subreddit That Will Inspire You To Be Hardworking

Let's appreciate these hardworking dogs that make the world a happy place.

  • Published in Animals
51 Adorable And Friendly Pictures From The "Dogs With Jobs" Subreddit That Will Inspire You To Be Hardworking

Dogs are often lauded as hardworking and loyal companions. They've been helping us, humans, out for centuries.

They are truly among the most hardworking animals out there. From herding sheep, and pulling sleds to simply providing us with some much-needed companionship, dogs have always been willing to lend a helping paw.

You cannot deny the incredible work ethic of these loyal creatures. They're always eager to please their owners and will work tirelessly to get the job done.

Additionally, dogs are incredibly intelligent and have a great sense of smell, making them ideal for jobs like search and rescue. They're also very trainable, which means that they can be taught to do all sorts of different tasks.

And of course, they're also fiercely loyal to their human companions, which makes them great at things like guarding property or herding sheep. So, next time you see a dog working hard, be sure to give them a pat on the head.

They definitely deserve it! But if you haven't had the chance to see these woofers doing excellent work at their jobs, you came to the right spot.

We collected photos from the "Dogs with Jobs" subreddit, which is a community that celebrates and appreciates working dogs. We've got service dogs, rescue dogs, and more!

1. Goob doggo thought his hooman was hyperventilating when he saw them laughing.

Ya need this, right?

1. Goob doggo thought his hooman was hyperventilating when he saw them laughing.ohnorosa

2. Awww...

2. Awww...mikewall

3. A bada** dog and his handler.

3. A bada** dog and his handler.gangbangkang

4. She is Bretagne, the last known search and rescue dog of the September 11 attacks. She passed away at the age of 16.

4. She is Bretagne, the last known search and rescue dog of the September 11 attacks. She passed away at the age of 16.fulleffect7737

5. Roselle led her blind owner and 30 other people out of the World Trade Center. They were 78 stories away from the exit.

5. Roselle led her blind owner and 30 other people out of the World Trade Center. They were 78 stories away from the exit.unknown_human

6. Ohio Highway Patrol's Ronny.

He tried his best to smile. Don't make fun of him!

6. Ohio Highway Patrol's Ronny.k0ella

7. Doggos guarding penguins. How adorbs!

7. Doggos guarding penguins. How adorbs!Reddit

8. A woofer writing a report

8. A woofer writing a reportgetahaircut8

9. A detection dog who did great things

It's been 1 year since I laid Molly to rest. She's credited with finding the remains of 62 different US soldiers. So their bodies could be brought back to their families. She was my best friend she was my comforter and she was my antidepressant. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about her.

9. A detection dog who did great thingsPrometheus0822

10. A Therapy Dog version of "Take Your Kids to Work" day

10. A Therapy Dog version of BiggieBoiTroy

11. "I'm at your service!"

11. Houseplatho

12. The poster just wanted to introduce Benny, a very good therapy dog in a middle school.

The doggo had to retire because of poor health.

12. The poster just wanted to introduce Benny, a very good therapy dog in a middle school.pancakesfordintonite

13. Riley died protecting people.

Last night, in my city, K-9 Riley died taking down an armed suspect. He was 5 years old and had been in-service for 3 years. An officer also died at the scene. Can we take a moment to give thanks for dogs like Riley who die in the line of duty in order to protect us? RIP Riley.

13. Riley died protecting people.greentofu402

14. Morty took risks to save someone.

This is Morty. He was deployed in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and jumped 30 feet out of a helicopter when he caught the scent of someone in need. He’s now in NC for Hurricane Florence.

14. Morty took risks to save someone.gangbangkang

15. The dogs thought they were doing a bad job.

Finding survivors was dangerous and thankless work. The rescue crews suffered limitations, like dangerous and smoldering debris, and tight access. To aid in their efforts, some employed dogs to help. After the collapse, they pulled only 23 people from the debris, 15 of them rescue workers who'd compromised their own safety. Rescuers removed the last survivor 27 hours after the collapse.

Rescue dogs were finding so few living survivors, they would become noticeably depressed, thinking they weren't doing a good job. Handlers would hide in the rubble to allow the dogs to "find" them, boosting their spirit and morale.

15. The dogs thought they were doing a bad job.seesquaredd

16. Best job ever!

16. Best job ever!DisDudeForReal

17. Look at how photogenic this doggo is!

17. Look at how photogenic this doggo is!bitchyswiftie

18. A very goob boi testifying

18. A very goob boi testifyinget-tuBrute

19. In training

19. In trainingduuuk

20. By the looks of it, Arty is prolly going to be a therapy dog.

20. By the looks of it, Arty is prolly going to be a therapy dog.Filleroftoilets

21. Some dogs risked their lives during 9/11.

21. Some dogs risked their lives during 9/11.exploreorg

22. A happy service dog looking forward to his job

This is Bill. Yesterday he had his first day of training to be my medical alert dog. He's going to be the first medical alert dog for my illness in Australia and will learn how to save my life. Here he is wearing an assistance dog coat and visiting a shopping centre for the first time :)

22. A happy service dog looking forward to his joblauraraurala

23. It's Max's birthday!

23. It's Max's birthday!everdayday

24. Even doggos can be video game devs too!

24. Even doggos can be video game devs too!Remember__Me

25. Teddy is this store's greeter.

25. Teddy is this store's greeter.tropicalmedly

26. Aunt B brings comfort to the bereaved.

26. Aunt B brings comfort to the bereaved.mac_is_crack

27. They have unique skills!

27. They have unique skills!EXIDFanboy

28. He was rescued before. Now, he's training to become a rescue dog.

28. He was rescued before. Now, he's training to become a rescue dog.GuyWithoutModem

29. The messenger

29. The messengerDronesandwildshit

30. Croatia's life guards

30. Croatia's life guardsFitbumblebee

31. The new boss

31. The new bossjmascoli

32. Thor brings nothing but happiness

I volunteered to be a patient for a research study on the effects of dog therapy for depression. This is Thor, I’ll be working with him until the end of the study, he’s been making me feel better.

32. Thor brings nothing but happinessblargennflargenn

33. If only Jessie were with us during our visits to the doctor...

33. If only Jessie were with us during our visits to the doctor...MathBlur

34. Great job Sully!

"Mission complete" for Sully, George H. W. Bush's service dog (credit in comments)

34. Great job Sully!ExpectoPentium

35. We hope he had a successful surgery.

He goes in for surgery tomorrow on an unknown lump on his back. Please send love. He is my world and many others, as a therapy dog.

35. We hope he had a successful surgery.allygadget

36. Sea Turtle protector

36. Sea Turtle protectorimjustadudeguy

37. We know you agree.

37. We know you agree.AnoushkaChopra

38. Doggo gets paid to mlem

38. Doggo gets paid to mlemleonardodankvinci

39. Doggos deserve this kind of recognition too!

39. Doggos deserve this kind of recognition too!Mrs_WillieStroker

40. Razor, a retired sniff dog who worked in Afghanistan, is making students go "wow!"

40. Razor, a retired sniff dog who worked in Afghanistan, is making students go Iawnmoher

41. Elvis can detect polar bear pregnancy with an accuracy of 97%. Amazing!

41. Elvis can detect polar bear pregnancy with an accuracy of 97%. Amazing!CatPooedInMyShoe

42. How the orientation goes

42. How the orientation goesWhitlow14

43. This good boi does a good job at assisting customers.

My local hardware has a dog that follows you around, and takes your items to the counter for you.

43. This good boi does a good job at assisting customers.Kuma_Paws_376

44. Bazz protects bees.

44. Bazz protects bees.Stegosaurus_Peas

45. "I got your back!"

45. PHPApple

46. Blepping bored doggo at work.

46. Blepping bored doggo at work.mac_is_crack

47. The Ireland president's bodyguards, Bród And Shadow.

47. The Ireland president's bodyguards, Bród And Shadow.HouseSelmy

48. Doggo wears shoes for protection from the broken glass

48. Doggo wears shoes for protection from the broken glassStartRunMspaint

49. Doggo working at a print shop.

49. Doggo working at a print shop.Gabriel_NDG

50. A doggo who saves her hooman's life tons of times.

This is Crumpet. She is NOT a service dog. She just doesn’t like Epilepsy or her owner being stuck in the hospital. She barks before I have a seizure. She figured it out on her own as a puppy in about two weeks. My falls have gone way down since this lil pup arrived. 

50. A doggo who saves her hooman's life tons of times.Xantippi

51. Dog with a not-so-wholesome job

51. Dog with a not-so-wholesome jobWhitlow14

Dogs are truly amazing creatures and we’re so lucky to have them in our lives.

Not only do they make us laugh and provide endless amounts of love, but they also work hard for us every day. We hope you enjoyed scrolling through the pics of some of the most hardworking dogs out there and feel motivated as well!
