40 Hilarious Photos Of Dogs That Will Make Your Week 40 Times Better

Behold the adorableness that is pretty little puppers and doggos.

  • Published in Animals
40 Hilarious Photos Of Dogs That Will Make Your Week 40 Times Better

If you need someone to remind you how amazing dogs are, I'm your girl. To me, dogs are all magical creatures, put on this earth to remind us what pure-hearted angels look like. Too far? Probably, but let's face it, dogs are awesome. 

And to prove my point to you (Just in case you were on the fence) below is a bunch of photos that show dogs in their best light, it shows our furry friends being the goofballs we all know and love, while also showing off just how much us humans know and love them!

Check out the pictures below and share them with a dog lover that you know!

1. Ahh Perfect

1. Ahh PerfectFacebook

2. Take me there!

2. Take me there!Facebook

3. Smooches!

3. Smooches!Facebook

4. Bucket list pupper

4. Bucket list pupperFacebook



6. So lifelike ???

6. So lifelike ???Facebook

7. No need to stress!

7. No need to stress!Facebook

8. I need like 12 of these

8. I need like 12 of theseFacebook

9. Dogs like television too your know...

9. Dogs like television too your know...Facebook

10. A scoop of happiness coming your way!

10. A scoop of happiness coming your way!Facebook

11. Me.

11. Me.Facebook

12. The PERFECT night!

12. The PERFECT night!Facebook

13. Is that dog okay?

13. Is that dog okay?Facebook

14. This dog is on Fireeeee

14. This dog is on FireeeeeFacebook

15. Date doggo?

15. Date doggo?Facebook

16. Whatchu wan?

16. Whatchu wan?Facebook

17. An endangered species

17. An endangered speciesFacebook

18. Is this true love?

18. Is this true love?Facebook

19. SAME

19. SAMEFacebook

20. That cup is as big as the dog

20. That cup is as big as the dogFacebook

21. My Heart!

21. My Heart!Facebook



23. Once you see it I can't unsee

23. Once you see it I can't unseeFacebook

24. This is the meaning of life

24. This is the meaning of lifeFacebook

25. It's been a loooong week

25. It's been a loooong weekFacebook

26. He's so sad!

26. He's so sad!Facebook

27. It's called FASHION DEBERA

27. It's called FASHION DEBERAFacebook

28. Human? I was waiting for you?

28. Human? I was waiting for you?Facebook

29. Hi Henry!

29. Hi Henry!Facebook

30. Would you accept a nose boop?

30. Would you accept a nose boop?Facebook

31. Awkward?

31. Awkward?Facebook

32. Too true

32. Too trueFacebook

33. All pats are good pats, right?

33. All pats are good pats, right?Facebook

34. That's my bro!

34. That's my bro!Facebook

35. Have you been seeing another dog? WHO IS HE?

35. Have you been seeing another dog? WHO IS HE?Facebook