"If Dogs Had Quora, What Kind Of Questions Would They Ask?" Gets Interesting And Funny Replies Online

These questions are smart, entertaining, intriguing and damn right hilarious.

  • Published in Animals
"If Dogs Had Quora, What Kind Of Questions Would They Ask?" Gets Interesting And Funny Replies Online

We could communicate with our dogs if they had the ability to speak. Animals could tell us where they are, which would be useful if they ever got lost.

If an animal had speech, it could ask for what it wanted. Your cat could let you know if she was hungry, and your dog might let you know if he wanted to go for a stroll. 

Think about this: Sharing some bacon with your dog in the morning while you discuss your day's schedule. Yes, it's a silly thought, but don't you ever wonder why dogs can't speak?

Can they ever communicate? In particular, if you and your dog have been together since he was a puppy, there are times when it seems like you and your dog communicate telepathically. 

Your furball is certainly expressive, and those eyes are capable of sending a torrent of messages. However, no matter how many whimpering noises, amusing paw pats, or spins your dog makes, he is unable to express his needs in full sentences.

Even if you've learned to read his body language and antics, there are times when you wish you could comprehend what your dog is saying. So a question was posed on Quora concerning this, and the replies are to die for.

Check it all out below. 


1. Who is a good boy?

1. Who is a good boy?Jake Williams

2. These questions are hilarious

2. These questions are hilariousSource


Sean Kernan

3. It's the last question for me

The dog next door sniffed my ass. Does she like me?
What are the best life hacks for getting under the backyard fence?
Why do cats think they’re better than me?
I accidentally took a dump in the house. What’s the best way to hide it from my human?
I accidentally ripped up the rug. Should I apologise? Hide? Help!
I’m 16 years old. I’ve had 4 surgeries. I often forget where I am. And last week I fouled the carpet. Is it too late for me to learn new tricks?
I heard my human call another human a ‘dirty dog’. Is that racist?
10,000 house cats vs. 1,000 stray dogs. Who would win?
What’s a good trick to get my human to give me more food?
Is it possible to get a pillow pregnant?
3. It's the last question for meBenjamin McEvoy

4. Good questions

4. Good questionsAlex Cooper

5. These are pretty sad questions

5. These are pretty sad questions



Rajesh Lipika

6. Interesting questions

My owner only feeds me once a day whereas she gets to eat 3 times a day. Is this wrong?
Why does my owner hate it when I bark? She yells at me when I do it.
What can I do to get my owner to throw the ball for me?
How can I stop my owner from bathing me?
Why do cats keep coming into my yard? It's my territory, but they still come.
How can I attract female dogs? They don't seem to be interested in me.
How can I get my baby puppy to listen to me? She keeps rolling her eyes at me.
When will dogs rule the world?
My owner keeps taking me to the vet, should I run away?
Why can't I catch my tail, am I too short?
What does roll over mean?
I am 10 months old and 14 inches, how tall will I be as an adult dog?
Do you think only adult dogs should be allowed on Quora?
If humans had Quora, what kind of questions would they ask?
6. Interesting questionsAmy Smith

7. Doggo bond

7. Doggo bond

Jeanne Girolami

8. All about the human

8. All about the humanArial Crayons

9. Loving the questions

9. Loving the questions

Chelly Frylde

10. All about my person

10. All about my personHihi J Wolf

There are always times when you want to get a reply. You probably talk to your dog as often as he’ll listen, and occasionally, when he cocks his head back and forth with eager ears, you wonder whether he actually understands a word you’re saying.

But then we have these questions that our dogs might ask if they could speak. Do add yours in the comments below.
