10 Detailed Answers About Good Dog Breeds That Are Best Suited For Inexperienced, First-Time Owners

"When you are considering to be a dog owner, you have to think about two things. First, what kind of dog breeds do you like? Second, what kind of dog breeds is more suitable for you."

  • Published in Animals
10 Detailed Answers About Good Dog Breeds That Are Best Suited For Inexperienced, First-Time Owners

Being a first-time dog owner can be exciting. But then, it can also be more or less difficult depending on the breed you choose.

Because there are so many different dog breeds, picking the best one can be challenging. You find out that there are a few things to think about before bringing home the next gorgeous puppy you see. 

First-time dog owners are anxious to make sure their new pet is the perfect one, from yappy chihuahuas to loud labradors. The likelihood is that if you’re considering getting a dog, you already have an idea of the breed you want.

This is a terrific place to start, but before you select a particular breed, it’s really vital to keep in mind that there are certain dogs that will be more suited for first-time dog owners compared to others. So, as you get ready to welcome a family member who may live in your house for at least 15 years, there are a lot of things to consider.

As you already know, breeding is one of the most popular ways to begin focusing your search. The breed isn't everything, but it's a smart place to start when looking for your ideal furry partner.

Today, the Quora community tackles this particular issue, and there’s a lot to learn from their replies, so keep scrolling and enjoy. 

Someone asked:

Someone asked:Quora

1. Dogs are in ranges

1. Dogs are in rangesRachel Neumeier

2. Which do you like?

2. Which do you like?Susan Conner

There is a lot more to deciding...

There is a lot more to deciding...Susan Conner

3. Lifestyle

What’s your lifestyle? Perhaps a little white fuzz ball that you can dress up? Or maybe you need a mastiff to scare the neighbors. I do prefer the beagle ( sorry Woodstock). Goldens can raise your children, while a rescue like Monte is very loyal. Then there are shepherds who are both loyal and protective. Last but not least is the lionberger easily used as a soft furry bed!

3. LifestyleBrandi

So cute

So cuteBrandi

Just hanging out

Just hanging outBrandi

How can you say no?

How can you say no?Brandi

That's a good boy or a girl

That's a good boy or a girlBrandi

4. Shelter dogs

4. Shelter dogsAlan Brown

5. Labs are eager to please

5. Labs are eager to pleaseMitch Constantinescu

6. A list of breeds

When you are considering to be a dog owner, you have to think about two things. First, what kind of dog breeds do you like? Second, what kind of dog breeds is more suitable for you.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are lovable, affectionate and gentle dogs that can easily get along with your family members.


Pomeranians are cute, perky, feisty, energetic, and jealous.

Samoyed Dog

Samoyed dogs are perky, intelligent, gentle, loyal and energetic.


Corgis are easy-going, gentle, playful, outgoing, and family-friendly.

Spotty Dog

Spotty dogs are lively, energetic and playful.

If you like the spotty dogs, you have to accept the fact that your spotty dog may run back and forth. If you like samoyed dog, you have to know that samoyed dogs have lots of energy in them, and they need plenty of exercise and a lot of mentally stimulating activities to keep them happy, entertained, and healthy.

Everything has its pros and cons. Just choose what you like and what suits you best! A dog will fill your life with an endless amount of joy and companion. It is a right choice to have a dog as a companion.

6. A list of breedsVera Garcia

7. Things to remember

7. Things to rememberTeodora Greywoolf

Great list:

Great list:Teodora Greywoolf

8. Not about the breed

It is not about the breed, but the Temperament, Pigrim.

Yours and the dogs…

Go down to your local Shelter and tell the staff what you want… They will do their best to find a dog that matches your needs and desires, experience level and overal lifestyle.

The PERFECT DOG is waiting to adopt you…

8. Not about the breedTerry Dinerman

9. Golden doodle recommendation

9. Golden doodle recommendationTessa Byrd

"It is not about the breed, but the temperament"

Tessa Byrd

Good girl

Good girlTessa Byrd

The sweetest dog

The sweetest dogTessa Byrd

10. No huskies

10. No huskiesGillian Schifreen

Dogs require a lot of dedication. When choosing a furry buddy, there are many things to take into account, such as the size of your home, if you have a garden, and so on.

Additionally, allergies and the owner's tolerance for excessive barking or molting are factors. But then, there are so many doggo options to choose from.
