Some Of The Best Dog Posts That Have Been Shared On Social Media For Your Entertainment

We're calling all dog lovers to this article, because this one's perfect for you.

  • Published in Animals
Some Of The Best Dog Posts That Have Been Shared On Social Media For Your Entertainment

Dogs are definitely man's best friend and they are one of the most owned types of animals that are kept as pets. This means that we tend to see dogs quite often whether that be out and about at the park or maybe through photos and videos shared on social media.

We've talked before about how convenient social media is and just how much of an insight it helps to give into people's lives. This makes it really easy to see all of these really awesome posts that were shared about people's dogs.

If people are posting every day about their pets, then we should have tons of posts to share. If you're like me then you probably love seeing animals, especially dogs, because they just have a way about them that brightens up your day.

We thought we'd share the feeling and compile a list of the best dog social media posts that have been shared this week. This gives you a great place to relax, refresh, and make you laugh.

Sometimes we need a pick-me-up during the week or day and this is what we're here for. Animals and dogs are always a great choice for wholesome content.

Dogs really are so pure and precious than seeing them do anything makes our hearts melt. Let's take a look t the top dog posts shared this week on social media.

1. Who would've thought we'd see a dog so calmly doing this. Looks like she is enjoying herself getting a medical belly rub.

We love seeing dogs active and also trusting. It's awesome to see what cool things animals are capable of doing.


2. Some dogs, just like people, tend to have a bit of a staring problem, but very rude that he did it in front of his wife.

In all realness though, these Corgis are too precious and I'd be staring back because of how cute they are.

3. This just isn't a fair shot because clearly the banana makes this dog twenty times cuter than competing dogs. Just look at how cute they are.


4. If you have a dog then you know when they want something and have it in their mouth, good luck with trying to get it out. This dog had a grip for both of these people to not get it out.

Sometimes a con of having a pet are dealing with the embarrassing things that they do in public such as snatching this skateboard and now wanting to let go. It definitely makes me reconsider bringing my dog places.

5. First of all the dog is absolutely adorable. Second of all, I have full respect and appreciation for what they did there in their caption.

How can you not love this? When have you ever seen a tiny dog in a hoodie ride a skateboard?


6. Poor, lonesome bebe

6. Poor, lonesome bebeu/nikkicocaine

7. "Come and take a walk in my shoes if you can"

7. u/Sector7Studios

8. Happy, happy. Joy, joy.

8. Happy, happy. Joy, joy.u/MARLeague

9. "The best angle of my pupperoni"

9. u/vinkulelu

10. They look ready for tea time.

10. They look ready for tea time.u/ceciliaeffa

11. "Celebrating this little lady turning 20 years old. Happy birthday Daisy."

11. u/Pietin11

These dog social media posts were too cute and funny not to love which is why they made it to our list of top posts shared by dog owners. Hopefully, these social media posts made you smile, brightened your day, or gave you a bit of an escape for a moment.
