GIF Of Guy Getting B*tchslapped By Dog Goes Viral, He Was Petting The Poor Creature In An Annoying Way
This is not how you pet a dog.

Petting a dog is a no-brainer, and it's one of those things that make both us and our pets happy. But if you pet your doggo wrong, even Fido could flip.
Remember that even man's best friend has moods and quirks. If you get too rough or invade their space, you better watch out!
You might just awaken the beast within. So, what's the proper way to pet dogs, anyway?
According to Beverly Ulbrich, a dog behaviorist in California, a lot of people make the mistake of chasing after strays in an attempt to catch them. This approach can cause even the friendliest, most trained dogs to flee in fear.
We need to remember that lost or disoriented dogs are likely to feel anxious and scared. To create a non-threatening atmosphere, consider crouching down and turning your body sideways.
The key is to avoid towering over the dog or bending directly towards them. On the other hand, when meeting a dog for the first time, whether it's a friend's furry pal or a pup in the park, it's best to approach them in a non-threatening manner, similar to how you'd handle a stray.
Try squatting down, offering your hand, and allowing the dog to come to you. Remember to stay relaxed throughout the encounter.
Ulbrich suggests keeping your body language calm and gently reaching out your hand, avoiding any sudden movements. Since the dog is new to you, it's a good idea to ask if they're friendly and if they have a preferred spot for petting.
Over at r/facepalm, a user shared a GIF of a guy annoyingly petting a dog. The poor fella was already showing signs of getting irritated by the gesture, but the guy won't stop.
It had enough and gave him a well-deserved b*tchslap.
Hooman makes the doggo so angry, it b*tchslapped him.
Don't annoy the doggo, or else.

The guy was given his warning. He just didn't listen.

The perfect way to describe the two.

Don't mess with the angry doggo.

This hooman sure did deserve what he got.

Calling it quits with the cat.

One user points out that although the video is legit, it was just edited to make it seem like the dog got annoyed and slapped the guy.

We would all have done the same thing.

One user finds it oddly satisfying.

The dog might not have slapped the guy for real (as it was only edited). But you can't help but laugh at the thought that it was so annoyed that it slapped the human.
Whether it's real or not, it teaches us one thing: even dogs run out of patience and react in unpredictable ways when they feel bothered. So it's always good to remember that when it comes to all interactions with animals, including playful ones, we should do it with respect and sensitivity to their boundaries.
After all, just like us, dogs have their own limits and preferences. Loved the GIF of the dog slapping a hooman?
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