Piglet, Who Fell Off A Truck, Meets Dog Who Takes Care Of Her And Becomes Her Best Friend
"An odd friendship was shaped up as they practically did everything together."

There are a thousand and one things in the world that we can see and appreciate every day of our lives. The animal world is one of them.
They keep on proving every now and again that they have so many wonderful things to show us despite their differences. There is no day that we go online and we won’t find one animal story that fails to amaze us.
Sometimes, we see different animals who end up having odd friendships, just like a tiger cub who chose to have a dog as his playmate. In today’s post, we see a dog who has become best buddies with a piglet.
Yes, a piglet! This particular piglet happened to fall off a truck full of livestock in Kansas.
Luckily, the piglet was found on the roadside by a family who was running a veterinary hospital. They chose to take the pig in and take good care of the baby animal, and they went further to name her Mu Shu.
This is where the family dog, named Hunter, met the said piglet. But then, this family was in for a huge surprise because what their dog did next made them take a permanent decision.
From there on out, the dog began to take care of Mu Shu, and an odd friendship was shaped-up as they practically did everything together.
In life, we can’t tell who we might meet and who may become our best buddies.

The piglet was partially blind. So the hunter would guide her around, play with her, and groom her like a dog would do to its puppy. Isn’t that an amazing friendship?
The pair are totally inseparable now, which made the family decide to permanently adopt Mu Shu.
The animal kingdom keep on proving every now and again that they have so many wonderful things to show us despite their differences

Mu Shu, on the other hand, also loves playing with Hunter. Hunter is really delicate with her and acts precisely like a dog would do with his little one, and they both playfully wrestle with each other.
Below, you will get to see a few clips of the pair and their surprising companionship.
Here is a video of the cute pair
Friendships are meant to last forever, and we hope that the friendship that these animals have found in each other lasts forever for them. They love and adore each other and for us, that is all that matters.
Here is another video of the animals having a good time
This last video clip, which you’re about to see, is from a news report done on the delightful pair.
Sometimes in life, we just might be friends with someone we never thought we could be friends with, but then that is life. The beautiful friendship between this dog and this piglet is something that amazed both the owners and us.
If you are amazed by the friendship displayed by these animals, then leave a comment below and make sure to share with your animal-loving family and friends.
