Conflict Arises As Woman Refuses Her Fiance’s Mom's Request To Leave Their Dog Out Of Family Photos

"It was the equivalent of asking us to leave our child out of a family photo"

Conflict Arises As Woman Refuses Her Fiance’s Mom's Request To Leave Their Dog Out Of Family Photos

The goal of family photographs is to capture the gatherings of individuals who are related by blood. These can include a small group, such as parents and their kids.

This category also includes newborns because they are the latest addition to the family and they have to be shown off. There are many reasons why people take family pictures.

Come on, it’s nice to take a picture in order to remember when everyone in the family gets together, whether it be for a special occasion or a casual weekend dinner. Not just humans, animals too can be part of a photoshoot.

They provide a playful vitality to photo shoots, and if you're the anxious type, then bringing your pet is just a perfect option. For the Redditor in today’s story, her dog (or rather her fiance’s dog) is her baby, as she and her fiance are baby free. 

Because of this, their little ball of fluff is always in every one of their photoshoots as they send out copies to some of their friends, but mostly just their immediate families. The conflict started when the OP’s fiancé’s mom, who is scared of dogs, requested that they take a picture or two without their dog, and the OP wasn’t having any of it.

Find out what happens next as you read the full story below. 

This is how the whole story started out...

This is how the whole story started out...u/Think_Ambition_3054

Our dog is literally a tiny ball of fluff

Our dog is literally a tiny ball of fluffu/Think_Ambition_3054

A majority of people only do Christmas cards

A majority of people only do Christmas cardsu/Think_Ambition_3054

Leaving our child out of a family photo

Leaving our child out of a family photou/Think_Ambition_3054

Sometimes, families hire a professional photographer so they can get the best shots, especially during the holidays. You’ll agree with me that if taking family photos just required picking up a camera and yelling "say cheese!", then everyone would be doing it.

The OP’s Halloween photoshoot might just be compromised, but let’s hear what other Redditors have to say about this story. 

It's just one picture

It's just one pictureReddit

Taking professional holiday pictures every year

Taking professional holiday pictures every yearReddit

It is not like leaving a child out of the photo

It is not like leaving a child out of the photoReddit

Your pet and you both belong to the same family. They serve as a wonderful reminder that portraits should be about capturing joy rather than perfection.

They are always welcome to participate in your photo sessions, but this is just one request that could have easily been granted to avoid further issues. We’re not done yet as there are still more comments to check out below. 

Your dog is just that to other people

Your dog is just that to other peopleReddit

She demanded instead of asking nicely

She demanded instead of asking nicelyReddit

This commenter needs more information before deciding

This commenter needs more information before decidingReddit

No one says do not add your pets to your photographs since they are loved family members with whom you share memories, but as a commenter said, "it’s just one picture, the dog won’t die." Leave your thoughts about this story in the comments below, and make sure to share this post with your friends and family as well.
