15 Positive Dog Photos To Boost Your Serotonin Levels

Nothing but good vibes here.

  • Published in Animals
15 Positive Dog Photos To Boost Your Serotonin Levels

You know those days when you feel that everything and everyone in the whole world is against you? Some people might call you paranoid, but, don't mind them - just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

So, you need something to unwind. We know.

We've been there before. And you know what helps?

Yup - cute dog photos. We have another hilarious collection of dog pictures for you today.

We must say that we are beyond excited to share these rufferific doggo pics with you today since they are the best ones we could discover this week. Yes, cuteness is always entertaining to see, whether it's lovely capybaras or cute doggies.

We enjoy the giggles and sighs over here. And that is what we are offering right now.

Breathe deeply. Enjoy yourself and unwind.

Like every other day, today is all about you. Sure, you've got other priorities, but taking care of yourself should always be at the top.

Now take a seat and become comfortable with your dog. You'll be ready to fully enjoy this week's selection of doggo snaps for an additional dosage of pawsitivity once you're cozy with your four-legged pal and have a fragrant candle burning in the background.

So, are you ready to begin?

1. Don't we all?

1. Don't we all?Abraxxas

2. Do you want to be the one telling him otherwise?

2. Do you want to be the one telling him otherwise?Abraxxas

3. Money well spent...

3. Money well spent...Abraxxas

Sometimes it's difficult to comprehend how fortunate we are to have pets in our life. They are simply adorable, kind, and endearing.

A 2012 study that was released in PLOS One demonstrated that seeing pictures of adorable animals can really increase productivity. When you consider it that way, you simply must do it!

These adorable dog photographs can help you get a boost of serotonin if you're in the mood for one or simply need it to get through the rest of your workday. So, actually, you are not wasting your work hours, but working on increasing your productivity.

Just show this article to your managers if they start asking questions.


4. Different plans...

4. Different plans...Abraxxas

5. Great photo

5. Great photoAbraxxas

6. Cute Christmas photo:

6. Cute Christmas photo:Abraxxas

7. Don't get on his bad side...

7. Don't get on his bad side...Abraxxas

8. Future friends forever:

8. Future friends forever:Abraxxas

9. That sounds...

9. That sounds...Abraxxas

10. Unfortunate choice

10. Unfortunate choiceAbraxxas

11. Just another normal photo

11. Just another normal photoAbraxxas

12. Ah, that look of regret...

12. Ah, that look of regret...Abraxxas

13. No, not again!

13. No, not again!Abraxxas

14. Dog trophy

14. Dog trophyAbraxxas

15. Yes? How can i help you?

15. Yes? How can i help you?Abraxxas

Sometimes life can be so unpleasant that it's difficult to smile. Around the world, there are unfortunate developments.

We all have to experience some heartache. The strains and obligations of daily life, such as those at work or school, should also be considered. 

However, we are fortunate enough to have a cure for all that. Namely, dogs have demonstrated to be a constant source of happiness in a world filled with misery and suffering.

Who is to say that it isn't true that dogs were supposedly created by the heavens to promote joy and optimism?
