Devoted Pet Owner Is In Denial Of Her 18-Year-Old Dog's Health Status, Calls Her Boyfriend Cruel For Suggesting Euthanasia
He said her selfishness is hurting her dog and refused to help her take care of the dog moving forward

Saying goodbye to a pet is never easy. Realizing that your friend, who has been your most loyal companion, is slowly deteriorating before your eyes feels like a sucker punch.
Some owners refuse to face this reality. They inadvertently prolong the suffering of their pets.
A 23-year-old OP is witnessing his girlfriend's inability to see her old dog's pain. His girlfriend's beagle is 18 years old.
He has been her childhood pet. His age is so advanced that he has a myriad of medical issues he powers through daily.
The beagle is blind in one eye and nearly deaf. Feeding him is a challenge as he can't even see or smell where his food is.
OP's girlfriend bottle-feeds him his water. From time to time, she also has to feed him his food by hand.
He is also incontinent now and answers nature's calls inside their house. OP's girlfriend decided to use diapers for the old boy, which has been better for their carpets.
OP just has to change the dog's diapers three times a day. OP is appalled by what is happening to his girlfriend's dog.
He thinks that it's time to say goodbye to the pup. The dog lived a long and happy life.
OP thinks his girlfriend is being selfish for avoiding the inevitable. He thinks she's doing so to spare herself from the pain instead of thinking of what's best for her dog.
OP can't also overlook that the destroyed carpets can affect his security deposit since his name is on the lease

OP broached the subject to his girlfriend and she didn't take his suggestion well

She called him heartless for even thinking of such a thing

They argued until OP said he will no longer help her with her dog's day-to-day care and his girflriend got angrier. They are at a stalemate after she called OP cruel while he stood his ground.

Redditors voted that OP was not the a**hole for advocating for his girlfriend's dog

The dog is suffering. It is cruel to prolong his pain when there is a kinder option.

People emphatized with how difficult this decision is for OP's girlfriend

They also had to help their pets cross the rainbow bridge when it was time and it was difficult for them. However, they knew it was the best thing to do for their pets.

The dog is only able to eat and drink with assistance

OP needs to talk to his girlfriend again about bringing her dog to a vet for evaluation

He can leave it to the professionals to maybe help his girlfriend see what she is adamantly refusing to face

That way, his girlfriend won't also blame or resent him for bringing up the subject

Some Redditors noted that OP's post didn't come across as selflessly advocating for the dog

He seemed more concerned about how inconvenient it was to take care of an elderly animal

Maybe OP gave that ultimatum to his girlfriend out of frustration but he was wrong. He may be tired of changing the dog's diapers but she is about to lose a childhood pet. It isn't easy.

OP needs to apologize to his girlfriend for pressuring her. What he needs to do now is reassure her that no matter what, he will be there to support her.
He can gently help her realize that it's best to go to a veterinarian for her dog's sake. OP needs to be there for his girlfriend if the vet confirms her greatest fear.
