Curious Dog Instantly Regrets Playing With Mom's Halloween Decorations
Halloween's not his cup of tea.

Welcome to Brody's world, a world where he doesn't realize how big he is and continues to act like a small puppy. Typical, isn't it?
Have you ever wanted to do something when you were little but couldn't do because you were too tall or too short? I've known short people of legal age who couldn't drive because it would be risky for them.
But what if the opposite happens? What if you're big, but you still don't know how big?
Don't get it? Yeah, neither does Brody. Five-year-old Great Dane called Brody still thinks he's a teeny, weeny, itty-bitty puppy.
It isn't just Brody who feels like this. Many dogs, especially larger breeds, do mistake themselves for puppies and since they don't know their weight, they still climb on to humans in an attempt to sleep on the lap.
The only thing that fits the lap is the head, but of course dogs would disagree. Remember the case of the giant border collie who thought he was a lap dog?
Or the puppy who ran to hug his mom, but when he stood up on his rear feet, he was actually taller than her? How about the six-foot-tall Newfoundland poodle, who's nothing but a giant ball of fluff?
At least Brody isn't alone, but he was when he messed with his mom's Halloween decorations!
Meet Brody!
Introducing Brody, a five-year-old Great Dane "puppy" who weighs 180 pounds.
Brody's neighbor Barbara Nebenfuhr Hoffer says, "He’s this massive horse of a dog that my kids love. He knocks my 10-year-old down all the time."
"He’s very sweet and always in your face. He just wants to try and sit on your lap and slobber on you."
That's great, but check out the size of this puppy. I mean, I think if he stood up, I'd be severely intimidated.

Brody was excited about mom's Halloween decorations.
Barbara visited Brody's mom, but before she could meet her, Brody ran out the door to greet her. To her surprise, Brody's mom had decorated their porch in time for Halloween.
Spider webs and witches adorned the porch, and that's when Brody decided to check things out for himself.
Of course, he deeply regretted it.

The curious case of Brody and the spider webs....
Barbara said, "We were sitting there talking, and I kept watching him stick his face into the spiderweb. And he just kept walking in it and pushing it."
"I grabbed my camera because I thought, ‘Oh God, what is this dog going to do?’"
It wasn't Brody's fault that he wasn't a puppy not short enough to walk past the webs untouched. Poor Brody tried to get out of the web, but the more he tried to shed the webs, the more tangled he became!

A tangled Brody deeply regretting his choices...
Barbara said, "His whole face starts getting stuck in it, and he just kept walking through and trying to untangle himself. He kept walking around the porch, which was just making it worse — pulling down the whole web."
Brody's mom spent hours hanging the spider webs, but the goodest boy on the planet destroyed it in a matter of seconds.

He finally managed to set himself free!
It took Brody some skill and time before he could finally get himself out of the sticky web. Since he didn't appreciate his mom's sticky booby trap, he left the shredded pieces on the ground and walked away.
Barbaba said, "Great Danes are very sweet, but they’re not necessarily known for their intelligence..."

Brody's Halloween Incident
While we're happy Brody came out a hero, as responsible pet parents, we've got to keep a closer eye on our pets when they're in seemingly worrying areas. Our pets are naturally curious so they're bound to sniff out things we decorate our houses with.
Brody was lucky, but other smaller pets can get stuck, making you regret the whole decor thing almost instantly. Please keep an eye on your pets at all times!
