The Internet Has Fallen In Love With The Intense Look On This Dog's Face And You Just Have To See It For Yourself

Her face and aura won't look out of place in the world of Beetlejuice and The Addams Family. We love her for it!

  • Published in Animals
The Internet Has Fallen In Love With The Intense Look On This Dog's Face And You Just Have To See It For Yourself

Everyone was shocked by Junebug but no one was more surprised than Junebug herself! Her face says it all.

She has that kind of face that looks like she disapproves of everything. Yeah, she's pretty intense. She would make a great police officer because her face encourages you to confess to crimes you didn't commit.

Junebug's now iconic photo of "dog looking over your fence and judging you" has made everyone a tad bit uncomfortable. She has the signature look of a disapproving person.

Her face is so expressive. How can such a tiny face say so many emotions all at once? The citizens of the interweb has fallen in love with Junebug's crazed look and she has inspired so many to meme creatively.

I personally feel like, she's looking straight into my soul and she doesn't like what she sees. Doesn't she just make you feel like you suddenly need to confess all of your sins and be a better person?

Will anything be ever good enough to gain Junebug's approval? But looks can definitely be deceiving because according to this pup's family, Junebug is big 'ol sweetie!

Junebug's loving family were surprised when their furry companion's photo went viral. To them it was just another cute photo of their pet but to the internet, it's a great meme opportunity!

Chills, literal, chills. This is Junebug's photo that captured the hearts, attention, and imagination of everyone on the internet.

Like you, we were also wondering how can a small dog peer over a tall fence. Can Junebug fly? Levitation doesn't seem to be beyond Junebug's powers.

There's a story behind the photo.

Junebug's owner, Tim K., shared that their dog likes to peer over the fence from time to time. She likes to know what her neighbors are up to.

So on this fortunate day, they did exactly that. Tim picked up Junebug and lifted her over the fence to give her a better view of their neighbor's yard.

Junebug's mom took the picture and didn't think anything was special about the picture until she uploaded it to an online dog community.

They thought everyone would appreciate how cute their pup looked until comments started pouring in.

The shared sentiment was Junebug has an... intense look to say the least.

Chills, literal, chills. This is Junebug's photo that captured the hearts, attention, and imagination of everyone on the internet.Tim K.

Her face is even more intense when zoomed in. The urge to apologize and cower is strong.

One user even said, they've never been more scared of a dog.

Her face is even more intense when zoomed in. The urge to apologize and cower is strong.Tim K.

Pennywise will soon be out of a job thanks to Junebug

The funny people on the internet, flexed their creative muscles and has photoshopped Junebug into the sewer grate from it.

Next thing you know, she's calling for you Georgie.


She looks like she has some kind of sinister plan brewing in her head even when she's chilling on the windowsill

Tim K. reassured everyone that despite Junebug's intense gaze, she is the most loving dog any owner could hope for.

Those who were fortunate enough to have met Junebug all agree that she is a softie.

Still, that face is still burned in the minds of many. Though we still love you, Junebug!

She looks like she has some kind of sinister plan brewing in her head even when she's chilling on the windowsillTim K.

But at the end of the day, Junebug really is a sweetheart... just as long as you don't disappoint her

But at the end of the day, Junebug really is a sweetheart... just as long as you don't disappoint herTim K.

If they say Junebug is a sweetheart, then Junebug is a sweetheart.

She does have an intimidating look but that just makes her more interesting. At least nobody can say that they will forget Junebug that quickly.

You go do you, Junebug! Please don't visit our dreams. Thanks!
