Emotional Support Dog Might Possibly Be Rehomed After Tearing Apart A Very Important Toy
"ESA aren't always trained as thoroughly as service animals. It's unfortunate."
When things are going wrong or you’re living with the constant feeling of anxiety and depression, you’ll need coping mechanisms or someone to lean on. Someone to give a little relief to the troubles that you might be feeling.
Therapists, friends, and other loved ones are all great support systems to keep you from falling apart. Although there’s another someone that lots of people who are struggling get, they come in the furry and friendly form of emotional support animals.
In one of the posts under the subreddit r/AITA, a dad who was struggling to make ends meet had a son with an emotional support dog. This dog, named Teddy, helps his son Danny with his anxiety and depression.
Everything went on, despite the financial struggles their families were going through but then when Teddy ruined the toy that Danny’s older brother owned, a big problem arose. That’s because the toy isn’t just any other toy, it was a gift given to Danny’s older brother by his girlfriend who passed away from cancer.
OP is asking Redditors if he’ll be TA if he would rehome Teddy since his eldest son couldn’t look at the dog without feeling anguished. If OP doesn’t and his eldest moves out, they might be homeless because of a debt.
There’s also the fact that Danny is pushing to move out so he can keep Teddy. But most of them know he might be able to succeed with that if he does.
If OP decides to rehome the dog, will they be TA?
OP and his family is struggling with financial stuff that is a bit alleviated with Tyler's share
Then when the toy with so much meaning for Tyler got torn apart, he asked them to make a decision
Now OP got stuck in a hard place having to think about both of kids' mental health
Danny offered an alternative if they chose to rehome Teddy but they don't think it would be best for him
Tyler on the other hand isn't budging with his choice since it would also mess with his mental health
Redditors are suggesting to adjust their living conditions but OP said that they currently have the best deal to survive
Expenses might be more expensive if they move
The situation makes it difficult to decide but this is from people who think OP would be TA if he rehomes Teddy
They raise the question of why Tyler doesn’t protect his things by closing his door
Assuming that the dog is impulsive, it wouldn’t be his fault for trying to get the toy
But then, others brought up that if it’s your dog, you have to train it to behave, especially if you want them to be ESAs
It is possible to train a dog to not ruin something or not do as they please with an object unless you give them permission to
Although majority have voted that OP will be TA if he rehomes the dog, they are still pushing that if...
they want their dog to be treated as and ESA they should give it training
Someone clarified their difference
ESA's aren't exactly trained pets but they do have more advantages or rules set for them
But whether trained or not, they can still be ESA
They do symphathize with Tyler but there might be more that he should get help with
In this polarizing thread, one of the Redditors questioned a comment
They answered that although it must be hard for Tyler, rehoming the dog might not have the best result
OP is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. On top of that, they're all going through a difficult time, individually and together.
Both of the choices present consequences and compromises that OP wouldn't want to face. In the end, they have to agree on something that might seem like the lesser evil.