Why Dogs Have Much Greater Differences In Breed Sizes Than Cats Do

Cats are generally cat-sized, but dogs come in sizes from XS to XXXL

  • Published in Animals
Why Dogs Have Much Greater Differences In Breed Sizes Than Cats Do

Dogs and cats seem to be seen as “opposites” by society. Dogs are thought of as friendly, thriving in a family/pack unit, ready to please their owners, and easy to train.

While cats are considered to be unloving, aloof, uppity, and impossible to train. And the biggest difference of all: is the range of the size that domesticated dogs come in vs domesticated cats.

While cats and dogs aren’t actually opposites, they’re just different from one another, and all the positives/negatives are really dependent on the animal itself, the size differences are an actual thing. Dog breeds come in all varieties of sizes, from “tea-cup” to “extra-large”, while cats are overall the same shape/size across breeds (with some general exceptions, of course).

One Redditor was curious as to *why* there is such a vast difference between these two animals and their breed sizes, so they turned to the r/explainlikeimfive community to get a simple answer. While they DID receive some simple answers, they also got some really cool and slightly in-depth answers too.

We collected some of the top answers to the question “Why do we have dog breeds that vary greatly in size but cats tend to be about the same size?” Keep scrolling to see what we found.

Why do we have dog breeds that vary greatly in size but cats tend to be about the same size?

Why do we have dog breeds that vary greatly in size but cats tend to be about the same size?nexguy

A good amount of the answers pointed out the obvious:

A good amount of the answers pointed out the obvious:azrael23




If cats were any bigger, they'd definitely kill us

If cats were any bigger, they'd definitely kill usWaldorf_

Technically, there IS a wide variety of cat sizes, but not within the domesticated breeds

Technically, there IS a wide variety of cat sizes, but not within the domesticated breedsReddit


Cats CAN vary in size, just not as signifcantly as dogs

Cats CAN vary in size, just not as signifcantly as dogsBlueXTC


Bigger the cat, the bigger the trouble

Bigger the cat, the bigger the troubleSnakeHelah

Volkodavy makes a good point, Maine Coons are ridiculously huge

Volkodavy makes a good point, Maine Coons are ridiculously hugeVolkodavy

Like, really, REALLY big

Like, really, REALLY bigimgur

Outside the few exceptions, it was beneficial to keep cats small for hunting rodents

Outside the few exceptions, it was beneficial to keep cats small for hunting rodentsCircletwerk42

Also, bigger the cat, the bigger the nuisance

Also, bigger the cat, the bigger the nuisancefried_eggs_and_ham


For now...

For now...munky9002

An interesting counter question

An interesting counter questionCurly4Jefferson

But other Redditors made an effort to give an actual explanation

But other Redditors made an effort to give an actual explanationReddit

Another suggestion was that dogs are easier to contain when in heat, while cats are wiley

Another suggestion was that dogs are easier to contain when in heat, while cats are wileyAg_in_TX

A lot suggested the usefulness of selective breeding for dogs

A lot suggested the usefulness of selective breeding for dogsKatCup0322




With some providing sources

With some providing sourcesthrowaway1882072

I'd trust catdoctor to know what they're talking about

I'd trust catdoctor to know what they're talking aboutcatdoctor

Household pest control doesn't lend to needing different sized kitties

Household pest control doesn't lend to needing different sized kittiesPM_ME_YOUR_FERRETS


Another suggestion about the benefit of cats small size, with a helpful correction

Another suggestion about the benefit of cats small size, with a helpful correctionpotentialpotato

Plus, dogs have been domesticated for a significantly longer time than cats

Plus, dogs have been domesticated for a significantly longer time than catsstasema


n0tcreatlve gave a good example via dachshunds

n0tcreatlve gave a good example via dachshundsn0tcreatlve

Found the cat-hater

Found the cat-haterpian0keys

Humans and dogs both have the widest ranges observed

Humans and dogs both have the widest ranges observedohno2015

One user strayed away from "layman terms" going into genetic specifics

One user strayed away from Reddit

Masterofice5 had the best comment overall, and referenced a more detailed explaination

Masterofice5 had the best comment overall, and referenced a more detailed explainationMasterofice5

The r/askscience explanation linked the response from Masterofice5

The r/askscience explanation linked the response from Masterofice5


What do you think? Are we better off keeping cats in a small and relatively manageable size?

Would you want to own a massive cat? Or, on the other side of the size-spectrum, would you own a forever kitten-sized cat?

I definitely would be interested in a tiger-sized house cat. Anyone who knows me knows that death by big cat mauling would be worth it to pet them.
