Disneyworld Exposed: How Much Truth Is In The Parks’ Most Common Rumors

Some of the Disneyworld rumors out there are funny, but some of them make me really wonder about people's state of mind

  • Published in Disney
Disneyworld Exposed: How Much Truth Is In The Parks’ Most Common Rumors

Walt Disney World covers around 25,000 acres and has an average of 52 million visitors per year. And it opened almost 50 years ago. A lot of people have passed through the front gates. When something is so popular, there are bound to be some theories and myths about it.  

Especially because Walt Disney was a visionary, and often spoke of the future and new inventions. And it is more fun to believe in rumors, and the truth is often boring.

We have collected some of the most common rumors, and surprisingly some of them are true. To all of you conspiracy theorists out there- sorry, not the ones you are hoping for.

Rumor 1: “They aren’t serving turkey legs. They’re emu legs.”


The massive turkey legs served at Disney come from farmed male turkeys. That is the reason they are so large. Emu is a gigantic bird, slightly smaller than an ostrich, so emu leg would be the size of your leg. Another argument is that it would be a massive breaking of the law, and the company would face criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits if it mislabeled food.

Rumor 1: “They aren’t serving turkey legs. They’re emu legs.”Delish.com

Rumor 2: “Disney needs your fingerprints so they can trace you.”

Also False.

It is there only to prevent ticket fraud, so only you can use your Disney Parks ticket. As soon as they scan your finger, they assign a number to you and delete the print. But if you are not willing to do it, there are potential ways you can avoid that. Check Disney’s privacy FAQs here.

Rumor 3: “Disney cast members aren’t permitted to say no.”



The Disney cast members can say no. The rumor probably started because of their training. They are taught to say “no” mildly, without really saying it. When they are not able to comply with clients' requests, or it is not in line with the company policy, they will not say sharply “no,” but wrap it around nicely.

Rumor 3: “Disney cast members aren’t permitted to say no.”Disney

Rumor 4: “Main Street and Cinderella Castle are optical illusions.”

This one is true.

If you stroll down from the Mainstreet train station to Cinderella Castle, the walk can seem to be longer than it actually is. Disney architects used forced perspective on the Mainstreet Buildings and the Castle. Forced perspective is used in many locations in all Disney Parks to make fairly small spaces appear bigger. The best place to see how big The Magic Kingdom really is, an observation deck in the California Grill is the best place.

Rumor 4: “Main Street and Cinderella Castle are optical illusions.”Disney

Rumor 5: “Additional country pavilions will be included to EPCOT’s World Showcase.”

Could be true, not confirmed.

There are no new nations planned for now, but there is space for at least three new pavilions all over World Showcase. Back in the 1980s, EPCOT visitors were anticipating a Pavilion for Spain, Israel, and Equatorial Africa. Since country additions is a possibility, this rumor will remain in the air because people actually want it to be true.

Rumor 5: “Additional country pavilions will be included to EPCOT’s World Showcase.”Disney

Best one: “Walt Disney is frozen, and they are keeping him under the castle.”

Absolutely not true.

That is an outrageous lie. Walt Disney lies next to his treasured wife, Lillian, at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. 

Best one: “Walt Disney is frozen, and they are keeping him under the castle.”Disney