15 People Weigh In On Things That Just Haven't Aged Well

Sometimes pop culture jumps in to change the perspective of choices made in real-life. Sometimes a seemingly funny joke became... well, not so funny and actually triggering

  • Published in Funny
15 People Weigh In On Things That Just Haven't Aged Well

Time changes many things, and one of the biggest "victims" is perspectives. Seeing things in hindsight often reveals something to the tune of, "well, that was not such a great idea, was it?"

We see it all the time, unfortunately. Sometimes revealing truths about people or organizations completely warps everything associated with them. Sometimes pop culture jumps in to change the perspective of choices made in real-life. Sometimes a seemingly funny joke became... well, not so funny.

If the point isn't being made clear, you'll have to read for yourself. There are a lot of things, people, events, and jokes over the last few decades that definitely didn't age well and these Redditors have nailed some of the most profound.

1. Wow, out the gates with awkward.

Jared Fogle's Subway ads



2. It was a cute name before GoT

Babies named Daenerys.



3. Whoops

The episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is dating a guy who shares a name with a murderer. He keeps getting mistaken for him so she gets him to change his name. She picks up a sports magazine and is trying to find a name for him in there, and comes up with "OJ" (Simpson, she was referring to). The episode was from 93, the murders happened 94.



4. Good Gravy this did NOT age well. A mere year later... OOF.

This flight simulator ad from 2000 went sour quick.



5. This guy has been red-pilled.

Matrix parodies. For like two years there it was hard to escape the forced bullet time jokes in most media.



6. J E L L O

Theres a comercial featuring bill cosby about ppl going to jail



7. Gross, it's too bad he couldn't properly serve his time. Sicko.

This one episode on the show Glee. Mark Salling (Puck) had a line in the show where he said that in the future: "...I'll either be in jail.... or dead... or both."

For those who don't know, Mark Salling was convicted and found guilty of child pornography then committed suicide.....



8. Yeah, big oops.

All the acceptance speeches thanking weinstein



9. This is putting it nicely.

Tila Tequila really fell off the bandwagon.



10. Laughs in Data

Those shareable Facebook posts saying you are legally proclaiming that Facebook can’t use your personal information.




AIDS, the diet candy.


12. That whole era had a lot of problematic depictions of Asian people.

The Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

-[account deleted]


13. It was a mistake.

The food pyramid.



14. Because he unexpectedly retired.

Taking Andrew Luck in a fantasy draft yesterday afternoon.



15. An unfortunate global take-over.

Minions. They used to be these kinda cute, one off characters in a decent movie. Then once illumination realized they can beat minions to death and back and still make hundreds of millions, they just focused on minions and ONLY MINIONS.



What would you add to the list of things that haven't aged well? Let us know in the comments now!
