Teenager Commissions Painting Of Her Dead Dog, Estranged Best Friend Upset She Didn't Get To Paint It
"It was a gift and I wasn’t told she wanted money for it."
- Published in Animal Stories
You may be feeling overwhelmed if your dog is nearing the end of his life or has just passed away. Saying farewell to a close friend is never simple, especially if that friend was also your constant companion and cuddle partner.
Clear thinking is difficult when your heart is breaking, and nobody expects you to have it all together, so don't worry. An ingrained aspect of the grieving process is the need to create a pet memorial—something that brings back fond memories of your animal friend.
Order a painting or drawing of your dog to place in your home for a priceless remembrance. Or, to honor the beautiful relationship you and your pet shared, you can make a framed print with some reassuring phrases.
The original poster of today's story chose to commission a painting for her dead dog, but here is where the problem comes in. The OP used to have a best friend who always chose her partner over her, despite them being friends for over a decade.
The OP decided that she wanted the friendship to fizzle as she couldn’t keep being hurt. OP stopped texting her best friend, and they hadn’t spoken in months.
OP's best friend loved her dog, and she gifted the OP a portrait when her previous dog died. So when the OP posted about the painting on social media, her best friend got mad that the OP didn’t ask her to paint a picture of the dog.
The headline
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877OP's best friend has actively chosen her partner over her, lied to her face about it among other things
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877OP's best friend started messaging her how she was upset that she didn’t ask her to paint a picture of the dog
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877Their relationship had fallen apart to a point where the OP didn’t feel close enough to her anymore to ask such a thing of her
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
The reason I might be the a-hole is because I didn’t ask my friend if she was interested in painting my dead dog.
This Redditor is of the opinion that the OP doesn't owe her anything
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877She could have offered to do a painting when the dog died
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877She asked the OP to pay for a painting that was meant to be a gift
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877OP's best friend has not been a good friend recently
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877What she made was a gift as were the things OP made for her
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877This Redditor is sorry for the OP's losses and the harassment she's getting
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877Her overreacting to the OP's painting is really misplaced
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877There's no reason the OP should have asked her for a painting
Reddit/IllustriousPeanut877Grieving after losing a pet is very normal and feels terrible too. It's an extension of saying farewell to a loved one, whether they have two legs or four.
Many Redditors agreed that OP's best friend asking her for money for a painting she gifted her in middle school is highly ridiculous. As you can already tell, she was declared not the AH, and that's a wrap!