Teen Goes To Live With Aunt Because She Is Neglected By Her Divorced Parents, Snubs Them When They Return Begging

"I still resent them for choosing a new life over me"

Teen Goes To Live With Aunt Because She Is Neglected By Her Divorced Parents, Snubs Them When They Return Begging

It's one thing to have parents, and it's another thing to have parents who care. People from neglectful homes tend to stay away, while others go without contact.

Meet u/ThrowRafanily, the original poster of today's story, who came from a family that neglected her. OP's father married his mistress, who already had a son, and now they have a baby daughter.

OP's mom remarried her stepdad, and they had her half-sister. OP then became a secondary character in their lives, and they looked forward to shipping her off to another home so they could pretend that she didn't exist and play happy family.

It came to a point where the OP became fed up and started sleeping over more and more at other houses. The OP and her parents would get into a screaming match where they called her a disappointment, and the OP told her that she hated them.

She called her aunt, crying, and she came to fetch her. Neither of the OP's parents tried to convince her to come back home. They informed the respective authorities about OP's changed living conditions and that her aunt is her current guardian.

The OP no longer cared about her parents, and now they seem to want to reconnect with her. Read the original post below to learn what finally transpired.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/ThrowRafanily

The OP became a secondary character in her parent's life

The OP became a secondary character in her parent's lifeReddit/ThrowRafanily

Neither of them tried to convince the OP to come back home

Neither of them tried to convince the OP to come back homeReddit/ThrowRafanily

As far as the OP is concerned, her aunt is her only parent

As far as the OP is concerned, her aunt is her only parentReddit/ThrowRafanily

OP's aunt is the best

OP's aunt is the bestReddit/ThrowRafanily

From a Redditor who grew up in a similar situation

From a Redditor who grew up in a similar situationReddit/ThrowRafanily

This Redditor is sorry the OP had to go through this

This Redditor is sorry the OP had to go through thisReddit/ThrowRafanily

The OP provided more info in the comments

Okay so they would always fight over who takes me longer. In the sense of "I had her last weekend you take her this weekend". They would always wait for me being gone to do stuff and they wouldn't contact me at all when I was at the other parents house mno call no SMS no nothing. Every chance they had they would send me to grandma grandpa's or my aunts place. In family gatherings I was often excluded (e.g when dad had a family BBQ I wasn't invited). When they send me off to my grandparents house for the Sommer they called maybe 2 times. Once my mom to ask me if they could sell my violin and the other time my father to tell me my doctor called. There are many more examples but it's too much to go into details.

And the comments continue...

And the comments continue...Reddit/ThrowRafanily

The OP has suffered emotional trauma

The OP has suffered emotional traumaReddit/ThrowRafanily

One cannot force forgiveness

One cannot force forgivenessReddit/ThrowRafanily

Using the situation as motivation

Using the situation as motivationReddit/ThrowRafanily

They might need the OP as a free babysitter

They might need the OP as a free babysitterReddit/ThrowRafanily

Even amongst parents and children, a failed relationship cannot be “fixed” with a quick apology. It seems OP's parents do not understand the extent of her hurt, and some Redditors told her not to worry about whether or not to establish a relationship with them, much less make an effort to do so.

OP has the right to keep improving herself first and making her goals her main focus.
