Man Gets Dragged To Filth For Threatening His Daughter And Making Her Break Up With Her Boyfriend

"I'm feeling immensely guilty for all this"

Man Gets Dragged To Filth For Threatening His Daughter And Making Her Break Up With Her Boyfriend

College students have to deal with the pressure of managing their social lives and academics for the first time on their own. Living at home with your parents or later supporting a family cannot compare to the special independence of college, which is why so many individuals take advantage of the opportunity to try new things.

The OP of today's story has a daughter who reached out to him so as to attend a good college. You see, the OP and her ex separated when she was still pregnant due to personal reasons.

The OP didn't get to contact his daughter, as he cut contact with her and her mother back then until she contacted him again. This was when she was 17, and she informed the OP that her mother had passed away.

She then asked the OP if he could take her in, as she wanted to go to a better senior high school and college for her future. During this time, the OP remarried her now-stepmother.

When OP's daughter got into college, she met a guy from her class. They hit it off quite well, and she was dividing her time between the OP, her friends, studies, work, and her boyfriend.

The daughter's boyfriend came to meet them, and the OP's wife instantly hated him. She convinced the OP to make his daughter break up with him, but that didn't end well. 

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/Time-Truck7996

The OP was devasted not knowing that her mother passed away

The OP was devasted not knowing that her mother passed awayReddit/Time-Truck7996

OP's wife thought being punctual is a high standard to have

OP's wife thought being punctual is a high standard to haveReddit/Time-Truck7996

OP's daughter is always happy with giving more time and effort to her boyfriend

OP's daughter is always happy with giving more time and effort to her boyfriendReddit/Time-Truck7996

They broke up and OP's daughter hasn't been the same since

They broke up and OP's daughter hasn't been the same sinceReddit/Time-Truck7996

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

For making my daughter break up with her boyfriend over how she should focus on work and her studies.

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/Time-Truck7996

The OP abandoned his daughter

The OP abandoned his daughterReddit/Time-Truck7996

She is now in a happy place

She is now in a happy placeReddit/Time-Truck7996

The OP left this update

So, I talked to my daughter without my wife being there, and as you guys probably expected, she couldn't salvage their relationship, and she found out that he cheated on her. So now, I told her to tell me anything without my wife being there or she doesn't have to know.

I apologized to her profusely, and she said she's mostly pissed at my wife for what happened. For now, we decided to have a more father-daughter time bond to make up for everything. As for my wife and I, I'll have to have a serious talk with her later night.

They can mend the relationship

They can mend the relationshipReddit/Time-Truck7996

Accepting the wife's paranoia

Accepting the wife's paranoiaReddit/Time-Truck7996

She judged the boy's attitude before even meeting him

She judged the boy's attitude before even meeting himReddit/Time-Truck7996

Shutting down the wife's nonsense

Shutting down the wife's nonsenseReddit/Time-Truck7996

Why does OP's wife think that every college girl who dates becomes pregnant? Many Redditors found it to be utterly ridiculous and pure envy for the joy of another person.

A certain Redditor even compared OP's wife to the archetype of the cruel queen in Snow White who was envious of her beauty. The OP was declared the AH and that's where we draw the curtains.
