30 Of The Most "Dangerous" And Absolute Cutest "Guard" Dogs Around
Some of these "guard dogs" seem to have missed the memo on how they are supposed to behave behind such a sign.

There's no denying that dogs are mans best friend. But they also serve us in so many other ways. We have incredible service dogs who help the sick, working dogs such as police or airport security dogs, and then we have our humble guard dogs. They are our precious pets and family members, who also act as our own personal security guards.
Many people even hang up "BEWARE OF THE DOG" signs to ward of any unwanted visitors to their homes, and to warn of the potential danger which could be inflicted should their beloved dog get a hold of the said stranger.
However, some of the below "guard dogs" seem to have missed the memo on how they are supposed to behave behind such a sign.
Scroll down to see some of the most adorable guard pups on the planet!
#1 Beware Of The Dog

#2 I Think I'll Take My Chances

#3 Please, Beware Of Dog

#4 Beware Of The Dog

#5 Not Entirely Sure What I Need To Beware Of Exactly?

#6 Beware

#7 No... Open The Gate, Please

#8 Yeah... I Wouldn't

#9 This Gorgeous Girl Lives In My Neighbor’s Front Yard With A Huge “Beware Of Dog” Sign. The Only Thing I Have To Beware Of Is Spending Hours Petting Her

#10 Beware Of This Cutie

#11 Mom Put This Sign On Our Gate, Dad Said It's False Advertising. Look At Me, Would I Not Put Fear In The Heart Of Anyone Who Tried To Enter?

#12 Beware Of The Dog

#13 The Ferocious Lucy!!

#14 He Was A Feisty One! Undid My Shoelaces A Few Times

#15 Beware Of Dog (Because She Is So Vicious)

#16 Beware Of Dogs. You Have Been Warned. Not Responsible For Injury Or Death

#17 Meck-Pomm 2018

#18 Putting Her Scariest Faces On

#19 Beware Of Dog

#20 Beware Of Dog

#21 Seriously. She’s Super Scary

#22 Watch Out Everypawdy, I Is Very Scary

#23 Very Scary Dog

#24 Keep Out. Beware Of Dog

#25 Dear Mailperson, I Think There's A Mean Dog Somewhere In This Yard Because The Sign Says Beware But I Haven't Seen Them Yet.

#26 False Advertising

#27 "Oh, Hey Burgler, Let's Be Friends! Wanna See Where We Keep The Jewels?"

#28 Very Risky...

#29 No Squirrel Is Safe

#30 Oh Yes... Beware
