Famous Photographer Captures Absolutely Precious Pictures Of Wild Hamsters Having Fun With Mother Nature

These animals appear to be so happy as they enjoy the nature all around them.

  • Published in Animals
Famous Photographer Captures Absolutely Precious Pictures Of Wild Hamsters Having Fun With Mother Nature

People may think of hamsters as just domestic animals that stay in our houses. But then, these hamsters are completely adorable animals that live among tall grass and wild berries.

This photographer, named Julian Rad, has taken it upon himself to capture these wild hamsters having fun with nature. He has an ongoing series of wild hamster images that show the animal enjoying the environment.

They actually take their sweet time to pause, pick fruits and smell the flowers. These animals appear to be so happy as they enjoy the nature all around them, and this also makes the portraits look more charming.

Julian Rad resides in Central Europe and takes photographs of the European hamster, which is also called the black-bellied hamster, or you can just call it the common hamster. Rad says that he stays near the Danube, and this is "where many different animals can be found, and at one point in my life I started taking images of them."

He started with insect macro photography until he eventually took photos of the likes of little rodents, such as squirrels and hamsters. Just like anyone who has taken pictures of animals before knows, wild animals can be unpredictable, which makes it hard to take photos of them.

Photographers usually have lots of patience and take their time observing an animal's character. Keep scrolling to see these hamster shots.

1. Those oranges must really be very tasty

1. Those oranges must really be very tastyJulian Rad

2. I love sniffing flowers

2. I love sniffing flowersJulian Rad

This is me having another flowery sniff

This is me having another flowery sniffJulian Rad

4. Wanna join me in sniffing?

4. Wanna join me in sniffing?Julian Rad

Rad says that he has spent so many hours in his photo-hide in order to take photos of different wild animal breeds. And one of the things he has learnt over time is that you have to "be patient and do not chase the animals, let them come to you."

"That is exactly why nature photography is so challenging, you need empathy, knowledge of species, endurance, and a pinch of luck," Rad added.

5. Hey there, I see you watching me

5. Hey there, I see you watching meJulian Rad

6. Can you see my reflection on the waters?

6. Can you see my reflection on the waters?Julian Rad

7. So yum, yum, yummy...

7. So yum, yum, yummy...Julian Rad

8. I have a flower so come and let's sniff it together

8. I have a flower so come and let's sniff it togetherJulian Rad

9. Here's another flower I can sniff

9. Here's another flower I can sniffJulian Rad

Rad’s patience has led him to some mystical encounters, as he recalls one evening when he was lying down on a meadow in the evening to take a picture of a hamster and suddenly felt something on his leg. He turned around to check what was on his leg, and lo and behold, it was a hamster.

The hamster went ahead to make itself comfortable there and Rad said that he had "never experienced something like that, moments like this and being able to be so close to the animals are the reason why I love what I do."

10. Don't go away. I just want to take a brief sniff

10. Don't go away. I just want to take a brief sniffJulian Rad

11. Today is a good day to show my jumping skills

11. Today is a good day to show my jumping skillsJulian Rad

12. Hello, I've got some nuts. You want some?

12. Hello, I've got some nuts. You want some?Julian Rad

13. Let's make a run for it

13. Let's make a run for itJulian Rad

14. Just showing my running capabilities

14. Just showing my running capabilitiesJulian Rad

The video below shows Rad in action

Hamsters in general are cute little animals, and these small creatures love to explore nature as they are very inquisitive. Whether you admit it or not, it’s quite clear to see that these hamsters are photogenic, and we can clearly see that in the photos taken by Rad.

What are your thoughts about these cute little creatures? Drop your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

And don’t forget to share so that these hamsters can make someone else smile as well.
