50+ Cool Random Facts That Will Satisfy Your Insatiable Curiosity

60% of our DNA is the same as a strawberry.

50+ Cool Random Facts That Will Satisfy Your Insatiable Curiosity

"A man learns all his life and dies the day he thinks that he has learned everything." The best explanation in one sentence of human's desire for learning and finding out new things and facts.

It's always a pleasure learning new things and expanding our knowledge. Fortunately for us, the internet provides a practically limitless source of engaging information and fascinating facts about the whole universe and every single detail in it.

It can keep you entertained for as long as you want. But we also enjoy evoking your curiosity.

So, if you like learning new random things, this article is just for you. We did our best to make this article meet your curiosity level for today.

Reddit user who goes by the name u/Not_a_Replicant_ asked people to share interesting things they believe others should know, "What's a cool fact you think others should know?" And an avalanche of responses followed.

People opened up, and the post very quickly became viral, reaching over 42.5k upvotes. We have collected some of the best answers to satisfy everyone's curiosity about art, history, science, and many other areas.

Below you can see a list of random fascinating facts we chose for you. Don't forget to tell us the ones you enjoyed learning about the most.

The original question:

The original question:Reddit

1. The Guinness book of records:

"The Guinness book of records was invented by the Guinness beer folks. They figured a book of verifiable facts would help stop bar arguments."

1. The Guinness book of records:jmshub

2. When you're lucky...

"Eugene Aldrin, the father of the famous moon landing astronaut Buzz Aldrin, not only witnessed the Wright brothers’ first flight but also went to see his son land on the moon in his lifespan."

2. When you're lucky...cfitzi

3. Dwarf dogs - Corgi

"Corgi is a translation of the Welsh for the dwarf dogs. Cor gi.

In the Mabinogion, the welsh book of myths and legends, corgis were the battle steeds of fairies."

3. Dwarf dogs - CorgiTaffWolf

4. "If you type the word "askew" into the Google search box, the entire page will tilt slightly."

4. TripleGGreggStarski

5. "The figure in Munch's 'The Scream' is not screaming but is, in fact, reacting to hearing the scream."

5. matthewloren

6. Here is the reason for his gentle voice.

"Bob Ross was a Drill Instructor. When he stopped working like that, he promised he would not raise his voice at someone again.

That's why he was so soft-spoken."

6. Here is the reason for his gentle voice.Rbrtwllms

7. "There was a phantom poop on an Apollo mission. A poop, floating around, that none of the astronauts said was theirs."

7. chalk_in_boots

8. This is a good one.

8. This is a good one.Gat_Gat_Habitat

9. "The technology for the fax machine was invented in 1843. "

"The feudal era in Japan ended in 1868 abolishing the samurai class. Abraham Lincoln lived until 1865.

All of this combined led to a 22-year period in which Lincoln could have received a fax from a samurai."

9. Chef_Groovy

10. Now you can be a little more relaxed.

10.  Now you can be a little more relaxed.issaparadox

11. "Honeybees can be trained to sniff out land mines in war zones!"

"Obviously, dogs can do it but to avoid blowing up poor unsuspecting doggos, they figured out that bees could do the same thing and swarm the area without setting the mine off to alert people to its presence."

11. MasterofNoneya

12. Comforting.

12. Comforting.moonlixqht

13. "Some birth control pills can cause vitamin B deficiency."

"Vitamin B is used to make serotonin. I’ve known a few people that got super depressed after starting birth control and taking B complex made a huge difference.

*consult your doctor"

13. BOBALL00

14. "Andrew Jackson had an interesting assassination attempt."

"The person who was going to kill him pointed his gun and it jammed. Jackson then beat him up with his cane.

The guy got back and pulled out the second gun which also managed to jam. This is a 1 in 125,000 chance."

14. DjPedromemes01

15. "Australia is wider than the moon."

15. fruit_cats

16. We are all the same yet so different.

16. We are all the same yet so different.PurpleArmy21

17. The Rubix Cube:

"When the Rubix Cube has first released a mathematician said it would take the average person 30 years, working 8 hours a day, to solve a cube saying it was impossible for someone without a master's in mathematics to solve it in under a month."

17. The Rubix Cube:atombomb1945

18. "NASA discovered a planet outside of the milky way a few days ago for the first time in human history."

18. xlybear

19. "German chocolate cake was invented by an English-American baker named Samuel German and has nothing to do with the country of Germany."

19. matthewloren

20. Opossums can't get rabies.

20. Opossums can't get rabies.ginpanda

21. "Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the pyramids"

21. LobotomistPrime

22. "That the patent for the fire hydrant was lost in a fire"

22. CorinRyptide

23. "Putting enough eye drops in someone’s food or drink will, in fact, kill them."

23. interlinkedenigma

24. Now we get it.

"There’s a vast difference between a million and a billion. A simple way to visualize it: a million seconds is over 11 days.

A billion seconds is just under 32 years."

24. Now we get it.CollinZero

25. The sun is white.

25. The sun is white.BeWiseExercise

26. They are harmless.

26. They are harmless.Mobile_Macro

27. Guessing you didn't know this one.

27. Guessing you didn't know this one.linpashpants

28. "When a person receives a kidney transplant they don’t take out the old kidneys, they just shove em to the side and leave em in there."

28. zytz

29. Why is the sky blue:

"Gases and particles in Earth's atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. Blue light is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves.

Now you know why the sky is blue."

29. Why is the sky blue:Accurate_Efficiency1

30. "Komodo dragons are the largest animals in the world capable of reproducing asexually."

30. SilvaIIy

31. "Due to evolution, humans share genes with all living organisms. For example, 60% of your DNA is the same as a strawberry."

31. hoarchata

32. "More people die from vending machines than sharks"

32. Jackpot09

33. At the age of 118.

33. At the age of 118.SkippyMcLovin



35. "There was a short period of time when Picasso and Snoop Dogg were both alive together."

35. ReadaboutitXD

36. "The shell is part of the turtle’s skeleton."

36. haydensidun

37. "Mud-puddling"

37. MonetsMenagerie

38. A constant cycle:

38. A constant cycle:energizerbunneee

39. "90% of the population on Earth lives in the Northern Hemisphere."

39. Johndoe448

40. Drama

40. Dramadis_not_my_name

41. Be careful

41. Be carefulAdditional-Back4889

42. "Sharks existed before trees existed."

42. prairiemountainzen

43. The bodies are buried, some of them to the head.

43. The bodies are buried, some of them to the head.Poppycorn144

44. Narcissism has always been dangerous.

"If you stare at your own reflection in dim lighting for a few minutes, your face will begin to distort and you will essentially begin to hallucinate. Don’t do it.

It’s a trap."

44. Narcissism has always been dangerous.Halo-Kai

45. At least they give gifts to each other.

45. At least they give gifts to each other.Qu1tyerbitchin

46. Triton orbit is retrograde, and it moves closer to Neptune.

46. Triton orbit is retrograde, and it moves closer to Neptune.baiqibeendeleted17x

47. Hyenas:

47. Hyenas:amxorca

48. "Google no-knead bread!"

48. AmiableBowelSyndrome

49. Fortunately for him.

49. Fortunately for him.DoggoDude979

50. Try it.

50. Try it.MichelleTheEngraver

51. Can't believe it.

51. Can't believe it.ladyinchworm

52. "Shaq hit almost 12,000 baskets in his career. Exactly 1 of them was a 3-pointer."

52. MrMister26

It's always nice to find out about interesting things from another's perspective. Guessing you'll never again mix the million and billion or that 60% of our DNA is the same as a strawberry.

Which one of these facts made you laugh or perhaps shocked you? We would like to hear your impression in the comment section below.
