Curious Zelda The Cat Takes Over Twitter With Her Hilarious Posts

If you're a cat-lover and you haven't yet heard of Curious Zelda, you're in for a real treat!

  • Published in Animals
Curious Zelda The Cat Takes Over Twitter With Her Hilarious Posts

How much do we love cats? A lot, you say? Exactly! And what's not to love? With their goofy little faces and silly personalities, they certainly have a knack for keeping us entertained!

If you're a fellow cat-lover and you haven't yet heard of Curious Zelda, you're in for a real treat! With her permanently shocked expression and her amusing antics posted online with witty captions written by her owner, Curious Zelda is a breath of fresh air on the web.

“Zelda’s amazing facial expressions and puzzling behavior. She is interested in everything, finding so much to do in such little space. I always wanted to do something creative (although I didn’t realize it would be cat poetry),” Zelda’s owner says.

So, if you're in the mood for an overdose of cat-cuteness, or you're just in need of something to brighten your day, scroll down and let Curious Zelda put a smile on your face!

#1 I'm Busy

#1 I'm BusyCuriousZelda

#2 Aw Man

#2 Aw ManCuriousZelda

#3 Come Here Bug

#3 Come Here BugCuriousZelda

#4 I Hate When That Happens

#4 I Hate When That HappensCuriousZelda

#5 Zoom In. Zoom Out.

#5 Zoom In. Zoom Out.CuriousZelda

#6 It's a Dilemma We All Face Sometimes

#6 It's a Dilemma We All Face SometimesCuriousZelda

#7 Eek!

#7 Eek!CuriousZelda

#8 Egg-Cat

#8 Egg-CatCuriousZelda

#9 Obviously

#9 ObviouslyCuriousZelda

#10 Don't We All?

#10 Don't We All?CuriousZelda

#11 Must. Fight.

#11 Must. Fight.CuriousZelda

#12 You're Welcome

#12 You're WelcomeCuriousZelda

#13 Just Call Me Yogi

#13 Just Call Me YogiCuriousZelda

#14 A Good Fly Will Do That

#14 A Good Fly Will Do ThatCuriousZelda

#15 Run Spider, Run

#15 Run Spider, RunCuriousZelda

#16 It's Exhausting

#16 It's ExhaustingCuriousZelda

#17 Oh No

#17 Oh NoCuriousZelda

#18 Charge Complete

#18 Charge CompleteCuriousZelda

#19 Beware!

#19 Beware!CuriousZelda

#20 Yummy

#20 YummyCuriousZelda

#21 Drama

#21 DramaCuriousZelda

#22 Flat-Cat

#22 Flat-CatCuriousZelda

#23 It Chose Me

#23 It Chose MeCuriousZelda

#24 Goodnight

#24 GoodnightCuriousZelda

#25 Genius!

#25 Genius!CuriousZelda

#26 Bugs!

#26 Bugs!CuriousZelda

#27 I Follow My Own Rules

#27 I Follow My Own RulesCuriousZelda

#28 I'm Invisible

#28 I'm InvisibleCuriousZelda

#29 Shrimpy

#29 ShrimpyCuriousZelda

#30 We've All Been There

#30 We've All Been ThereCuriousZelda

#31 I Just Wait

#31 I Just WaitCuriousZelda

#32 Blep

#32 BlepCuriousZelda

#33 Ladylike

#33 LadylikeCuriousZelda

#34 Cat-Loaf

#34 Cat-LoafCuriousZelda

#35 Cue Scary Music

#35 Cue Scary MusicCuriousZelda

#36 Awkward

#36 AwkwardCuriousZelda

#37 A Cat Can Only Tolerate So Much

#37 A Cat Can Only Tolerate So MuchCuriousZelda

#38 Get It?

#38 Get It?CuriousZelda

#39 I Am Sausage

#39 I Am SausageCuriousZelda

#40 I'm Just Naturally This Wired

#40 I'm Just Naturally This WiredCuriousZelda

#41 Yes! Feets!

#41 Yes! Feets!CuriousZelda

#42 Because Making Beds Is Fun

#42 Because Making Beds Is FunCuriousZelda

#43 Look Into My Eyes

#43 Look Into My EyesCuriousZelda

#44 Not Again

#44 Not AgainCuriousZelda

#45 I'm Bread

#45 I'm BreadCuriousZelda