30 Of The Cringest Yet Funny Internet Lies Found On The "Didn't Happen Of The Year Awards" Twitter Page

These are the most cringe-inducing lies that individuals have discovered online.

  • Published in Weird
30 Of The Cringest Yet Funny Internet Lies Found On The "Didn't Happen Of The Year Awards" Twitter Page

So many stories have been shared online by many people, mostly on Twitter and Facebook. And while embellishing details for the dramatic effect might be entertaining, those who tell stories that are wholly false are asked to have their lies exposed.

But then, why do we judge those who spread incorrect information online so quickly? Typically, we are unable to prove that these events didn't occur, and it is irrelevant anyhow.

People frequently exaggerate the truth, whether it's a stand-up comedian who does so to make their act funnier or a parent who tells their child that Santa Claus won't be coming at all if they don't go to bed right now. Is it truly the responsibility of Twitter and Facebook users to keep our internet free of lies when fake news is so prevalent online already? 

Perhaps we do become irritated when we see that the tacit agreement to be truthful has been broken. We cannot begin to turn against one another by arguing that our 2-year-olds can bring us breakfast in bed because we are the glue that ties social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook together.

When it comes to giving out Didn't Happen of the Year Awards, I suppose we can turn against one another, but that's more of an accountability issue. The most cringe-inducing lies that individuals have discovered online are shared on the page, so here are the funniest lies we’ve discovered on their page below. 

h/t: BoredPanda

1. The wasp sting vaccine trick

1. The wasp sting vaccine trick@_DHOTYA

2. Who's got the better human rights record?

2. Who's got the better human rights record?@_DHOTYA

3. Lol... You should totally check out this story

3. Lol... You should totally check out this story@_DHOTYA

4. The plane landed safely to general applause

4. The plane landed safely to general applause@_DHOTYA

5. We've been saving for this trip for years

5. We've been saving for this trip for years@_DHOTYA

6. How my nine year old responded after reading a book

6. How my nine year old responded after reading a book@_DHOTYA

7. You should never be afraid to fail, if you do pick yourself up and try again

7. You should never be afraid to fail, if you do pick yourself up and try again@_DHOTYA

8. Your two year old you said???

8. Your two year old you said???@_DHOTYA

9. A wholesome and nice interaction with the cashier at a coffee shop

9. A wholesome and nice interaction with the cashier at a coffee shop@_DHOTYA

10. Leave him alone and let him get on with the job

10. Leave him alone and let him get on with the job@_DHOTYA

11. A short story of how this fella pretended to be deaf

11. A short story of how this fella pretended to be deaf@_DHOTYA

12. When everyone wants to be Spartacus

12. When everyone wants to be Spartacus@_DHOTYA

13. It's not about making money, it's about whether you can help the person

13. It's not about making money, it's about whether you can help the person@_DHOTYA

14. Really interesting

14. Really interesting@_DHOTYA

15. Woah!

15. Woah!@_DHOTYA

16. Now she can't go and won't get paid

16. Now she can't go and won't get paid@_DHOTYA

17. How the couple was escorted out by security and I got free shopping

17. How the couple was escorted out by security and I got free shopping@_DHOTYA

18. Yeah, of course, animals are so kind

18. Yeah, of course, animals are so kind@_DHOTYA

19. No gendered honorifics or antiquated respectability phrases

19. No gendered honorifics or antiquated respectability phrases@_DHOTYA

20. This is one heck of a story

20. This is one heck of a story@_DHOTYA

21. Is the winner going to solve climate change?

21. Is the winner going to solve climate change?@_DHOTYA

22. A seven month old pumping for the mom? Really?

22. A seven month old pumping for the mom? Really?@_DHOTYA

23. Good deed of £10K pounds done???

23. Good deed of £10K pounds done???@_DHOTYA

24. This person rejected Messi's plane services out of respect

24. This person rejected Messi's plane services out of respect@_DHOTYA

25. I will not be driving for Alpine next year

25. I will not be driving for Alpine next year@_DHOTYA

26. Walmart's cheese

26. Walmart's cheese@_DHOTYA

27. Welcome to the new America

27. Welcome to the new America@_DHOTYA

28. I'm sorry that I'm grumpy

28. I'm sorry that I'm grumpy@_DHOTYA

29. Tesco shopping

29. Tesco shopping@_DHOTYA

30. Living in a big city is such a trip

30. Living in a big city is such a trip@_DHOTYA

On the internet, lies are simple to find. You can uncover anything deserving of a "Didn't Happen Of The Year Award" by logging onto social media and scrolling for a while. Although misleading information being spread by a powerful corporation or a politician is not shocking, average individuals are expected to be honest.

We simply want to keep online lying from becoming out of control.
